Chapter 13

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In school, me and Max had apprentices that we were meant to train in the snow because there was a storm that hit several times in a day.

When we were teaching them how to survive suddenly a big storm hit. We had to get cover. All the apprentices were with me getting shelter while Max went back out to get one more boy who was lost.

He took forever...

When the storm was over I got the apprentices back to school and hoped that he was there too. Alaska was holding his shirt in panic.

I went over to them, my heart beating fast and I asked them where they got that and how they did.

It was the shirt he was wearing inside his jacket. The apprentice he was trying to find was here. He was crying and crying and we couldn't get any words out from him.

I took hold of his shirt and then I started crying. They sent out a rescue team to go look for Max and I prayed. I even wanted to join the team but they stopped me.

All I could do was hug his shirt and wait.

The rescue team came back with nothing, that's when I broke down again. He's dead. My boyfriend is dead.

I gasped the moment my eyes opened. I didn't know I was crying, tears stained my face and more tears were slowly dripping down. I wiped them away and sobbed.

Shit. He's dead.. Max is dead...

After a while, realization dawned upon me, it was just a dream.

I was in my room and it was 3 am. For once this whole month, I had a different dream. I didn't feel like going to Max's house. I just wrapped myself tighter with my blanket and closed my eyes again.

It was raining heavily outside. Lightning striked and moments later thunder crashed. I love rain the stormy weather but right now, after that dream.. I just wanted a good dream, a nice dream.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I froze. Is that a ghost? There was a black figure just knocking on the glass. The figure moved its hood back a bit. It was Max.

I quickly opened the window and let him in. He was wearing a raincoat which covered his entire body but we had to put the raincoat somewhere.

We ended up putting it on the porch and he came to my room.

"What are you doing here??" I was puzzled, usually it was me going over.

"Don't laugh and don't judge okay?"

"Uhhhh okay," I nodded.

"I'm afraid of thunder," he seemed a bit embarrassed but when another crash of thunder came he jumped.

I smiled a bit, "that's okay you know. I mean I may love thunder and lightning but that's fine. At least you aren't being those guys that try to act all macho."

He laughed, "can we go sleep?"

"Yep alright," I sighed a bit with relief.. He was alive.

We slept till morning. It was still pretty stormy and school got canceled, Max stayed at my house for the day. We spent time watching movies and drinking hot cocoa.

My brother still had to go to school but I did a video with Max for my channel.

"Hey what's up you guys its Scarlet, today I'm here with my best friend Max and we are about to do a challenge. Basically we will play Turbo Dismount and will take turns. Whoever gets the highest score wins and whoever loses will have to....." I paused. I didn't think this through.

"Umm whoever loses will have to pick 5 different things from the fridge and then the loser will have to make a smoothie out of it and finish it," Max finished.

I stared at him in horror... Let's do this?

"Umm yeah what he said. Okay! I'm gonna start first....."

We played for like 5 minutes before Max lost. I unscrewed the camera from the tripod and took it with me to the kitchen. Max helped me get the tripod and we set it up with the lights.

He picked:

→ Nutella (yum)
→ Mayonnaise (ew in a smoothie)
→ Pickles (ew)
→ Chocolate sauce (mmmm)
→ Mustard (ew)

I patted Max's back, "good luck bro."

He blended it and drank it all. It smelled terrible.

I was laughing, "and that's all for today. Thank you Max for joining me. Comment, like, subscribe and I'll see you in the next video! Byeee!"

I went over to shut the camera.

Max was rinsing and washing his mouth and coughing badly.

"You okay there?"

"Yeah...." He answered weakly, "why did I come up with that horrid consequence?"

"I don't know," I giggled.

Fuck. I giggled again.

Max looked at me weirdly and I pretended to not notice.

I. Don't. Giggle!

I started to make pancakes even though it was in the afternoon but pancakes are good anyways.

Max put his arm around my waist watching while I cooked the pancakes and flipped them onto the plates.

He poured some orange juice into 2 cups and we ate at the dining table while talking about random stuff.

He had to leave by 5 pm because his parents wanted him home so I said goodbye to him and before he left he kissed me on the cheek unexpectedly.

I could not stop smiling like an idiot. I could feel myself blushing and all. I was in a good mood.

I headed up to my room to complete editing the video and uploaded it.

I felt good, acommplished and freaking awesome. Today was a good day.




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