NR :: letting go (gn)

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[ sad angst ]

[ inspired by 'Paubaya by Moira Dela Torre' ]



You didn't know when it all started to change. When you were no longer enough.

When she no longer longed for the kisses you would give her on her shoulders before falling asleep. The hugs you would give her from behind when she was doing something domestic. Or the books you would read together in silence. Or the sudden "I love you"'s in the most random of moments.

Why didn't she tell me from the start? You often find yourself asking yourself over and over again. You were who she needed, but not who she loved. At least, not anymore.

"When did my love fall short?" you ask.

The only question you seem to ask amongst millions of others running through your head.

Why didn't I see that you didn't want me anymore? When did we begin to be a lie? When you told me you loved me, why didn't you tell me there was another?

"It never did," she answers with a shaky breath.

You nod.

"That's it?" she asks incredulously. You surely had other questions. She thought you would put up more of a fight. Ask—no, beg her to stay with you.

Why did I never think of us ending? Another question you find yourself asking yourself. You thought she was the one. You had the ring bought and the proposal prepared. Even your friends and family thought she was the one.

"Yeah. That's it," You respond. "If you're happy with him, I won't fight for us."

"Y/N," she trails off. She at least had the decency to look somewhat guilty. How couldn't she? She broke you. She could see it clearly, especially since you didn't bother to hide it. I mean, what was the point.

"All I wish is for him not to make you cry, and take good care of you," you finish.

The next day, you plan on leaving, you asked Fury to send you to another branch. You're glad you still have a job.

He reluctantly agreed. It was either that or you quit.  And he definitely couldn't let one of his best agents go, at least this way you still worked for him, just from afar.

You write each member of the team a letter, saying your goodbyes and your hopes to see them soon. Even him and Natasha. Although, theirs is shorter. You were gonna start a new life, you didn't want to part with bitter feelings.

This time you wonder once again, as you find yourself hidden overlooking their wedding from afar, how did you not notice?

When she was beside you, she would often think and ask about his whereabouts, but you would brush it off thinking she was just looking out for her teammates. How oblivious and naive were you?

You were her beginning, but he was her end.

scarlett johansson / natasha romanoff imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now