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Sal pov

Another day here in school. I won't lie, it's kinda fun sometimes but at the same time it's not, but hey at least I have friends now. Maybe today will be different.

"Hey Sal come on dude let's get going!" Larry my best friend. He's a great guy I'm glad to be friends with him.

"Okay okay let's go!" He drives me to school. I have no idea if he has a drivers license or not but I sure hope he does.

[Time skip brought to you by gizmo outliving Sal]

We arrived at school and it's getting more and more crowded, I mean makes sense there's probably like 9 or 7 minutes until class. I make my way to the locker with Larry.

"Hey do you think ash is he-" I got cut off by someone crashing into me making us both fall to the ground and making them hit my mask against their face.

"Ow fuck- I'm so sorry!"  They said as They rubbed the spot on their face where they bumped into my mask

"It's okay" I say as Larry helps me up asking if I'm okay as he helps me. I turn to look at who it is and see it's Phillip the only other person in this school who also has blue hair

"Yea sorry about that um," He paused as he looked behind him "I gotta go now, see ya" And with that he left. He rushed over to go by Travis side.



"Im starting to think the rumors are true.."

"What rumors?" I ask Larry in confusion. Im not really one who enjoys gossip...most of the time.

"You haven't heard? There's a rumor going around where Philip and Travis are dating"

Huh? The homophobic bully? "Your joking?" I say a bit surprised. What made people come up with that rumor?

"I'm not! Apparently someone said that they're closer than before."

"So their first thought was to spread a rumor of them dating?"

He shrugs "I guess?"

"That's stupid." For some reason I felt...odd? I felt kinda weird when Larry mentioned the possibilities of them actually dating almost jealous?

"Sal!" Larry waved his arm in front of my face "you good?"

"Uh yea just spaced out!" I said shaking my arms

"Okay then, let's get to class the bell ringed" He said as he started walking me following behind him.


[Time skip when they get to class]

The teacher was going on about the civil war and stuff. I hated history class, I just don't seem interested in U.S history. I found myself feeling a bit tired so I put my head down and decided to sleep.

I saw a figure in front of me with its back facing me. I stepped closer to the figure and saw it was me but...something was off, I was holding..a knife? I stepped closer and saw that I was standing over a dead body. Not just any dead body, it's was Philips body. It was lying there, lifeless. I look at the other me and see it staring at the body. I had my mask off and I was smiling at the sight of the body while holding the bloody knife. The other me than looked at me straight in the eyes stepping a bit closer.

"Isn't this what you wanted to do?" It asked me. What does it mean by that?


"Don't act stupid" it disappeared. I was gonna take a step closer but a knife was held against my neck. It was behind me.

"You felt jealous that Philip started dating Travis didn't you? You felt weird and you also had a thought of harming him didn't you?" It started smiling again.

"N-not at all! I have no idea what your talking about!" I felt the knife touch my neck. Feeling what I assumed was blood dripping from my neck.

"Don't deny it, Y'know you wanna kill him." It said disappearing again only for it to reappear in front of me while taking my hands and holding it. 'This isn't me, this isn't me this isn't me! I would never hurt anyone!' I thought to myself but the thing started speaking almost as if it read my mind

"Keep denying it but you know you will do anything to be with him." And with that it disappeared again for good, all except for the bloody knife that appeared in my hand. I felt starting to shake.


It wasn't true right? I wouldn't hurt anyone!



"Sal fisher!"

I jolt my head up breathing heavily almost panting. "W-what?"

"You feel asleep durning class, please try to not sleep in class" the teacher said while giving a glare before turning back to the board explaining who the hell knows what.

I felt myself start shaking as I think about the dream. I wouldn't hurt anyone for someone I like right!? I thought to myself as my hand went through my hair.

Keep denying it.

What the-

Y'know this is what you've wanted to do from the start when you heard about them dating, even if it's a stupid rumor.

Your wrong!

"Sal! Please stop spacing out in my class before I send you to the office or give you lunch detention!"

"R-right, sorry.." I said trying to focus in class as I try My to ignore the voice.

I start to slowly think about the dream again, was it really what I wanted? Did I really wanna kill him? If so when, where, and how? Wait, why am I thinking about this? I'm not actually gonna kill him! Unless he is dating Travis...wait what? Am I actually thinking this right now? Was the dream gonna become true? Am I actually gonna kill Philip? Why? He hasn't done anything to me! So if I'm considering on killing that's wrong! Ugh! I don't know anymore! But if I do kill him i could have a chance with Travis...

And then, that's when I realized...I want him out of the picture so Travis could be mine...


Words: 1025

A/n: HEY GUYS! How'd you like the new and improved(?) chapter!? I would really like your guys opinion on this! I hope whoever is reading this has a good day/night!

See y'all tomorrow (maybe)!
Demi out!

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