Please shut the fuck up

421 9 16

Sal pov

The bell finally ringed so now I have to go put my stuff away and get ready for P.E. Yes I have P.E second period sadly.

"Yo Sal!"

I turn around and see Larry walking up to me.

"Hey Larry, something wrong?" I said as opened my locker to put my stuff away.

"Yea I just wanted to know what you were dreaming in class." He said with a worried yet serious look.

"Wait what..? What do you...what do you mean?" I said as I felt myself becoming more and more nervous with each second that was passing.

"Yea you kept on shaking and quietly say no a bunch of times, did you have a nightmare?" He asked with a worried face.

I don't look at him and just keep putting my books away. 'What does he want me to say? "Oh I had a dream where I wanted to kill Philip or more like killing anyone that gets in the way of me telling my feeling towards Travis!" He will be so confused if I say that.'

"Oh well Y'know! The same nightmares I get all the time..!" I smile even though I know he can't see it.

"Umm...right" I think he knows I'm lying but he doesn't ask anymore questions.

Ring ring

"Well...see you at lunch Larry!" I say as I run off to the locker rooms not waiting for him to answer.

[Time skip brought to you by muichiros other half]

I made it just in time. I went to my locker and started to change into my P.E clothes. After I did all that I went to the bathroom to see if my pigtails weren't crooked, after I saw that they weren't I went inside the gym and walked the perimeter. (Idk about you guys but at my school they make us walk the perimeter of the gym until all the teachers come out)

After walking for about 5 minutes the teachers blew the whistle and everyone went to their teachers section. After everyone including me sat on our numbers, the teachers started explain what we're doing today.

[Time skip brought to you by Ash's glowing arm]

I just got out of P.E and I am SWEATY! We had to run the stupid mile today and my time was 13:09. Not a bad one, barley a passing grade but I still passed.

I'm making my way to my locker since I already finished changing into my regular clothes. I need to get my stuff since I have math class next, it's all the class where I get to see Travis.

A perfect time to befriend him and make him all yours

Why is it that ever since that weird dream I've been having these voices?

Because I'm a side of you didn't know had!

I think I need to get myself checked into a mental hospital...

And blow your chance to get close to Travis?

Oh my god please, voice in my head LEAVE ME ALONE! I CANT CONCENTRATE IN ANY CLASS!

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