Till the end - Techno centric

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Techno sat in the morning dew, strangely tired for having just woken up. Something seemed different today he noticed. None of the birds seemed to be awake yet even though it was already past dawn. The forest beside him seemed to be awfully silent instead of it's usual lively chatter.

He wondered when the world had stopped making noise, when had everything stopped moving. But most importantly when had his ears started ringing? When had he stopped being able to see the world in all it's glory? Those questions could be answered at another time. For now he should focus on who's grabbing his hand. When had someone gotten so close to him without him noticing? The person holding his hand pressed their knuckles into his palm as if to try and communicate with him. All it did was make him more confused.

Soon the person gave up and stopped holding his hand, he doesn't know if they left or stayed watching him from a distance. He couldn't remember where he was or who he was. All he knew was the ringing in his ears and his inability to see. Had he ever been able to see in the first place? He felt the suns rays beam down onto his face as the sun finally made it above the tree tops, so big and bright for the world to see.

I made this at like 4am a couple days ago... please don't judge - Sammy

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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