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"Charlie!" I yell from my bathroom. "Can you come in here?"

"Hold on."

"Hurry please!"

I hear footsteps in the hallway and he leans onto the door frame. "Yes?"

"Sorry, I thought you were downstairs."

"It's fine." He scratches his eye. "What do you need?"

"So," I say, putting on mascara. "What's up with Kaya?"

"I dunno."

"You don't know?" I ask. "How do you not know?"

"She might still be dating the guy you kissed."

I pause. I've kissed many guys, but I know who he's talking about. "It was a mistake Charlie."

"Well, she obviously loved him a bloody lot."

"Look, it's not my fault. He kissed me."

"But I was told you kissed back."

"Dylan promised not to tell." I whisper under my breath. "Ugh."

"Kaya told me."

"Dylan still told."

"I'm sorry, I hope you guys stay friends."

"Me too, Charlie, me too."



I quietly knock on Camila's door at 5:30. Charlie answers, smiling. "Hey Kaya!"

"Oh hi Charlie. I for got you live here." I giggle. "But I'm here for Cam."

"Oh, okay." He steps aside and allows me to come Into the house.

"Charlie," I hear Cam say. "Did you get the-" she stops when she sees me in the doorway.

"Cam we need to talk about this!" I plead.

"I'm sorry, Kaya, but I just can't--"

"He dumped me." I look at my shoes. "Dylan dumped me."

"Oh," she says. "Kaya, I-"

"Now that you know, I'm gonna go. Have fun with Dylan, he's all yours." I turn and leave. But I feel someone behind me. They shut the door.

"Charlie," I ask, still not looking back.

"Yes?" Ugh his accent is so sexy.

I turn to face him. "Kiss me." He only hesitates for a millisecond before crashing his lips into mine. I don't hesitate to kiss back. His soft lips move in sync with mine like they were made to be together.

"Is that why he dumped you?"

Slowly, I pull out of the kiss and put my forehead on his chin. Camila stands with her hands on her hips. "Charlie go inside."


I grab his arm and he squeezes his eyes shut. "Just because you're staying at their house, doesn't mean she can boss you around."

"But mum said-"

"Charlie, it's okay."

"Actually," Cam says. "It's not."

"Uh, and why is that?" I ask, meanly.

"Because, I'm older."

"We're the same age!" Charlie yells and covers his mouth.

"He does have a point," I say crossing my arms.

"Ugh!" She says throwing our hands in the air. "Why do I even argue back?! I'm never gonna win!"

"I'm sorry, Camila." Charlie says.

"I'm not talking about you."

I frown. "I'm just gonna go." I turn and start to walk. "See you at school Charlie."




Ugh, I feel like it's my fault that Camila and Kaya are coming apart. I know it's not, but Camila seems really mad about that kiss this morning. I'm not mad though.

I'm glad I enraged Dylan like that, but Kaya seems really sad about the whole cheating-with-best-friend thing. I just want to pull her into a hug and tell her that it's all gonna work out somehow. I want to be the one to fix it, but being with Kaya won't help much.

It's been 3 days since Kaya and Camila last spoke to each other or Dylan. I haven't really talked to Kaya much either. I mean, I kinda have to talk to Camila since I live at her house at the moment but I wouldn't if I didnt.

Kaya still sits next to me in my classes, but she doesn't say anything to me. I get kind of sad, though. It's as if we never kissed. Maybe she doesn't like me after all. But she wanted me to kiss her. Girls are so confusing.


Wassup? Oh yeah, this new update!


I'm Sorry, CharlieKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat