
"Dad and I always say out here."

I never know what to say when Kaya brings up her dad. I want to say sorry for intruding in things her and her family did, but she hates when I say that. I was just taught to apologize for anything I do to intrude or anything I do wrong.

"You don't have to say anything, Charlie." It's as if she read my mind.

"I know." I squeeze her with the arm I have around her. She snuggles closer to me. "Mikaela is a nobody."

"Do you really think I care what that jealous girl thought of me?"

"Well, you seemed..."


"You just seemed like you didn't believe me when I said that we weren't together anymore." I explain.

"I believe you."

Just then the song "In Your Room" comes on. Kaya sings quietly next to me. "In your room/When time stands still/Or moves at your will..." I listen to her voice until I fall asleep, laying on top of Kaya's house.


{Kaya's mom}

I stumble out of the bar, dropping the solo cup in my hand. I'm dizzy, obviously drunk.

I stand at the side if he street and call Uber car company. 5 minutes later I'm in a car, about to puke, on my way home to my daughter.

I can barely keep my eyes open. I lean my head on the door. No, you need to stay awake, I tell myself. Stay awake for Kaya.

Last time I got home drunk, I hit her. I felt so bad about it. I can never forgive myself. It's just... Losing my son and then my husband has been so hard on both of us. I've been drinking and Kaya is always so sad.

When we get closer to my home, I hear music. Some neighborhood party we weren't invited to probably. But this is soft music.

When I pay the driver and walk up my front walkway. I realize that it's coming from my house. But I get confused when I step into the house and it becomes quieter. The music is outside.

I walk back outside and see Kaya and...some boy, sleeping on the roof with Depeche Mode playing. Tears form in my eyes as the memories of my husband come into my head.



Minutes after my favorite song comes on I hear quiet snores coming from a sleeping Charlie. I kiss his nose. "I love you Charlie." I lay back down and fall asleep.

But later that evening, I hear a car drive into the driveway and the screen door slam downstairs. I wake up and Charlie is still next to me. I smile.

I sit up and scoot over to the window, not going in. "Kaya," I hear my mom yell. "Get down here."

"Mom, shhh." I look back at Charlie. "Charlie's still sleeping!"

"Who is Charlie?"

"Uhh..." How do I answer that? We aren't officially dating yet.

I decide not to answer and snuggle back into Charlie's side, still hearing the music play. I wrap my arm round Charlie's waist. But I can't sleep. Not when I know my mom is home.

"Charlie?" I whisper. His eyes flutter open softly.

"Kaya." A smile spreads across his sleepy face.

"My mom is home." He sits up quickly, pulling me up with him.

"I have to leave." He opens the CD player and grabs the CD out. I follow him into the window, leaving the player outside. We make our way down the stairs and to the kitchen.

My mom looks from me to Charlie, squinting. "You Charlie?"

"Uh, yes'm." He replies. My mom looks surprised by his accent.

"Well, mom," I say, pushing Charlie toward the door. "Charlie has to get home."

I walk out with him. "Thank you." He kisses me, quickly.

"See you tomorrow at school," I tell him as he gets in his car.

"Love you bye." He closes the door.

I wave at the back of his car as he leaves. I turn and go inside. Mom glares at me.

"Who was that?"

"Uh, Cam's exchange student."

"Why were you sleeping on the roof with him?"

"It was an accident. We were just--" My mom cuts me off.

"Just listening to your father's favorite song with him?"

"Uh, yes..."

"Are you guys...?"

"No mom," I say, holding out my hands. "He's not like that!"

"Then why did he say he loved you?"

"He didn't--" Wait, yes he did. Oh. "Mom, I'm too tired for this. We can talk in the morning. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm happy for you. Was it your first time?"

"Oh my gosh! Mom! I just said, nothing happened! Goodnight!" I yell each sentence.

"Okay." She holds her hands up in defeat. "Okay, goodnight."



It's 11:00 and Charlie isn't home. His curfew is 10 and he's usually home. I'm worried. My parents say he was just off with some friends.

What friends though? The only person he really talks to is Kaya. Kaya. I get put my phone and call her. She answers on the 2nd ring.


"Kaya, is Charlie there?"

"Uh, he was. He just left like 5 minutes ago."

I let out a breath. "Did he tell you that his curfew was 10?"

"Oh, no. Sorry. We fell asleep at like

"Why were you asleep?" I wonder aloud.

"We were on the roof listening to Depeche Mode and dozed off. He never told me he had a curfew. Sorry."

"Okay, well thanks. Bye."


Just as I hang up I hear the front door opening. "Charlie!" I say running down the stairs. "You were supposed to be home an hour ago!"

He looks at his watch. "Oh, I guess I was. Sorry."

"Well," I turn back toward my room. "Please don't do it again."





I'm Sorry, CharlieWhere stories live. Discover now