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I feel like Camila is disappointed in me. I should apologize until she understands, but in America that doesn't work.

But it's the next day and I have to go to school. I pack my backpack and start walking. I don't wait for Camila today.

When I get to school I meet Kaya in the hallway. "Where's Cam?"

"I'm kind of avoiding her at the moment. She was pretty pissed last night."

"My mom was mad too." She looks at her shoes. "She doesn't want you to come over anymore."

I put my arm around her shoulder. "That's okay."

She looks up at me. "You could've told me you had a curfew."

"Oh, but then it wouldn't've been as fun."


We walk to class together and sit down. The bell rings as I pull out my book. But Camila isn't there.

"Is Camila sick?" Kaya asks, again reading my mind.

"I don't know I didn't talk to her this morning."

"Well that's unfortunate, Charlie."


"Because you live at her house..."

"Oh, right."



I didn't go to school today because I didn't want to see the "happy" couple. I don't think they realize that when Charlie leaves, he leaves for good. Kaya can't go with him.

Kaya won't want to go with him. Charlie told us all about home and his parents. Charlie signed up to be an exchange student to get away from his parents.

I want to tell Kaya. I have a feeling she already knows and I don't want her to break down again. Kaya only seems happy when Charlie's around.



Tears flood out of my eye sockets and spill over my nose and chin. I bet my mascara is running in rivers down my face.

I need Charlie. I know he can't stay forever. When he leaves, I need to go with him. I'm only happy with him. My life is so bad and all of a sudden POOF! this adorable, kind, loving kid just comes into my life.

I don't want my life story to end up like Dawson Cole's from The Best Of Me. But I do believe in fate. My destiny in life is to be with Charlie. That's what Dawson thought to and (SPOILER ALERT🚨🚧⚠️) he ends up dying.

My thoughts are so jumbled that day while I lay on my small bed. Then, I think of something Charlie said. "It not like he's dead! Go ask him."

I'm gonna ask my dad. I know my mom would never let me go with Charlie. My dad on the other hand...

I need someone to go with me to get my car and then I can drive to the prison.

"Mom!" I say coming down the stairs.

"Yes honey?"

"I need you to drive me downtown to get my car."

She grabs her keys. "Okay, let's go."

I grab my phone and keys too. I hop in my moms car in the passenger seat. "Thanks mom."

She turns on the radio and Depeche Mode starts to play. "I Feel You".

My mom sings quietly to herself as she drives along. "I feel you/Your sun it still shines/I feel you, within my mind."

"I love this song..." I mumble.

"Your daddy's favorite song. He was such a good singer."


We reach downtown and I hop out at my car. "I'm going to the store. Meet me at home in 4 hours." She looks at the steering wheel. "And don't go slinkin' around with that Charlie kid either."

"Mom," I whine. "We just kissed!"

"4 hours."

"Okay, bye." I shut the door and start to drive in my car. The prison is only about 6 miles from downtown so I get there in ten minutes.

At the visiting center, I sign in and sit down in the chairs to wait. My name is called almost immediately. "Kaya Chimely?" I stand up. "Rick is ready to see you."

They take me back to a room with a bunch of "stalls" with glass in-between a person and a prisoner. With my dad, it's gonna be person to person, not person to prisoner.

When I see my dad, I recognize him immediately. Even with his long beard and buzzed hair he looks like my dad that I listened to Depeche Mode with.

"Dad." Is all I say. Not 'OMG I've missed you so much!'

He picks up the phone. I sit down and pick up the one on my end too. "Kaya," he says, smiling.

"Been a while dad."

"Of course."

"I need to talk to you about something." I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.


"It's about your old girlfriends." He nods. "Did any of them ever, like, cheat on you with one of your friends?"

"Only one."


"Her name was Cynthia," he says with an edge to his voice. "She was a Brit." I half smile, thinking of Charlie. "Why are you smiling?"

I cover my smile with my hand. "Oh nothing."

"Seriously what?"

"Well, this guy... He's not my boyfriend yet but he's British too."

"Oh, I see." He continues on with the story. "Anyway, Cynthia and I were in love, but then she found another British guy that lived a couple doors down. This was right after I first met your mother. They moved back to the UK and I'm pretty sure she had a kid."

"Mm. How did it make you feel?"

"I felt ashamed, like I did something to make her hate me."

"Me too."

"Are you still dating the guy?"

"No, we broke up a couple days ago."

" Good. Was it the Brit?"

"No, he's nice to me."

Then I hear my name. "Miss Chimely, it's about that time."

"Bye dad. Thank you so much."

"Bye sweetheart."

I hang up the phone and wave to him as I'm escorted out. I know what I'm gonna do now. I'm staying with Charlie, no matter what.



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