Chapter 7

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As hours passed listening to ancient lectures, grabbing some food at Libeccio seemed increasingly appealing. Sophia and I had a few classes together, but nothing transpired. Besides catching a glimpse of Antonio's roughed up face from across the room in my foreign studies class.

It's a bit past noon when the last bell rings, and students rush out of the stuffy classrooms and into the midday heat.

"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Y/N!"

I wave Sophia off as she finds Marcus standing at the corner of the science hall.

And I'm alone, again.

It's not that I'm upset, the opposite, really. I'm happy that she's able to go out and have fun.

Still, the day would be easier if she had decided to come with me.

Remembering the blisters I got from my last walk in my school shoes, I decide to stop by my apartment before walking over. Very rarely do I have the time to do anything, between my studies and the cliques that Sofia jabbers on about that I have no business with.

I find a bench and sit down, trying to think up some plan for my day now that a giant hole's been dug through it. I truly do want to pop in to Libeccio and see how those idiots are doing, but if I walk directly there, I'll have blisters from these tight, uncomfortable shoes. And, if I do take the time to walk back to my apartment to change, that would just be wasting valuable energy.

Of course, there's always that café, but if I don't leave now, it'll be completely packed. Locals tend to eat lunch late, but these tourists (though I was nothing more than a tourist a few years ago) hop off of their plane, take a taxi, and look for some "authentic Italian getaway".

I prop my head on the back of my hand, weighing my options for a moment.

"Okay, it's fine... whatever." I mumble aloud, after my decision is made.

Energy outweighs comfort and likeability any time.

My bag, filled to the brim with chemistry work, strains as I stand.

The café isn't far from here, more so in walking distance than Libeccio. The unfortunate part is that I have to pass the dreaded home of tourists and Luca's favorite resting place.

It doesn't take more than a few minutes to briskly pace the few hundred meters between the school and the airport. And, for the second time of the day, I'm surprised in a way that leaves a pit in my stomach.

Luca isn't there.

Well, he is, but not where he usually sits, jeering at me, his eyes gleaming like the handle of his shovel. He's a bit further away, past the chain-link fence and in the green field outside of the mecca-building.

Though, that's not my problem. I'm happy to be as far away from that man as I can possibly be at any point in time. He's probably on some registry.

You see, my problem is with the arm that he's slung around the shoulder of a peculiarly dressed boy, one that (which I don't care to mention) I know far too well to be comfortable with the position.

The Mediterranean sun shines down on his golden hair, and I watch as Giorno Giovanna takes a seat on a concrete structure.

I stop, linking my hand through the fence as my ears and eyes strain, trying to make out anything of their interaction. I'm too far away to hear anything, and their faces are just blank slates from this distance. I can tell when they're saying something, but lip reading is out of the question.

Twisted Sister is useless in this scenario. There's not a time that I wish for a more sentient stand more than now. I bet that Jotaro could hear them.

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