Normal Day

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After spending a day with mom, getting to know each other and talking about our feelings, I feel a lot of weight off my shoulders and my heart feels more open. I'm very happy my mom and I are getting along but I have some trust issue with her, like she going to leave or not pay attention anymore. I told her this and she said that she'll still make mistakes but not intentionally because this is also new to her. Which I understand fully.

For the summer holidays we are going Palm Springs, I don't want to get too excited because you have to leave room for disappointment right? Anyways time to go to school after I missed it yesterday.

"Mom! I'm leaving" I shout packing my lunch, Christina is already outside waiting for me. I don't have a car yet but I have my driving license.

"Okay, bye Meri" my mom shouts from her study, she is going in at 10am and it's only 7am.

"oh, Meredith wait." she calls me coming out of her office.

"uhm, I'm home early today so I wondering if we can go finally car shopping, I know you got your drivers license and I missed it so I thought if we go"

" What! Mom really!" I was really surprised even though we have had this conversation, well not really a conversation.


"Mother can...can you please take me to school" a scared Meredith asked her mother, who is sitting in her office.

"did the bus company run out of business?" very annoyed Ellis answered rudely

"no maybe the bus driver took a day off, but off course you don't know what that means right?" Meredith responded to her mothers answer and she didn't understand why her mom asked that because anytime that she asks her mom to drop her off it's because the bus missed her stop and Cristina can come pick her up.

"lose that attitude or you'll wake to school" Ellis answered lowering her reading glasses.

"and i'll be late and then the school will call my you and disturb you from your ' i don't have time for my daughter' job. Meredith shot back and walked away to her mothers car but before she could reach the front door of the house she heard her mom say " I need to get this girl a car" in a very angry and annoyed voice.

End of Flashback

"Yeah, really now go to school" Ellis chuckled

I quickly ran out the house and went in Cristina's car.

"You gotta get own car ma'am because you making us late and why the f are you all bright and shiny" annoyed Cristina asked

"firstly, you love carpooling with me, secondly: i'm getting my soon, thirdly: what's wrong with bright and shiny once in a while." I asked

"what really!"

"Yeah, yesterday i didn't go to school right and guess what!"


"My MOM didn't go to work"


"Really, The Ellis Grey took off work" a surprised Cristina asked as they entered the school gate. The school was 10 minutes away from Mer's house.

"yeah, I mean I kinda had a breakdown when I came back from school and she decided to take a day off so we can talk and we did the talking, I'll tell all about it later but let's get out the car and go to school." I said taking my bag and leaving the car with Cristina behide me.

"you better tell me missy" Cristina said as we walk inside the school building. "so, how are you and McDreamy."

"We are doing really doing but I missed his call yesterday so I told him i'll call after school and he's  visiting this weekend, so yeah" I said as reach our lockers. Derek was doing his second year in med school, so they are only 2 years apart.

"That good, me and Owen ain't doing really good, he's jus..." Cristina got interrupted by the school bell.

"See you at lunch, I wish Izzie has her cookies for lunch" Cristina says going separate ways.

Shortest chapter I've ever written and the last. Hope you guys enjoy, i know  it's not good but i'm soo tired, I need sleep and i promised y'll a chapter❤️
The next chapter will involve car shopping, Derek and a bad thing happening so😉


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