Chapter 1: The beginning

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It all began as the sun set, a baby's cry could be heard in the l/n's manor. A beautiful baby was just born, and with there birth brought so much joy. There mother and father hushing there cry's as such thing would not be heard from there mouth again for a long time. The baby opening there E/C eyes to see there parents, and from them shinning so much love to the one thing they ever wanted. "My beautiful baby, how we love you so much" there mother said. "My darling, my purpose, my love, if only you know how much you are loved, and how much love is in you, your magic practically screams it" there father said. "You will be an amazing witch and amazing person" both parents proclaimed, and such would come true.

That baby would always remember those few hours of blissful joy and love they had with there parents, before it all came crashing. They will always remember there father running down stars to protect his wife and child. They would not forget there mothers quite movements and words. "My love we love so much don't ever forget, don't let that love inside you fade, always love". And love was what saved them always. They remember there father's screams and the woman who marched in and kill there mother with much joy. The words exchange among the chaos would always linger in there head after as well. "Move out the ways and escape your husbands fate, be smarter Mercy for I unlike your name I will not show it" the psychotic woman said. " You will never hurt my baby, there much stronger then you and your master, you may kill me but you'll never kill them, they have something you'll never have" her mothers last words before she was ruthlessly Avada Kedavara by the woman. "Ugh I hate chatters can't they read a room I'm in a rush here, anyways poor baby so soon you must leave HaHAhA". As the the woman Avada Kedavara the child, it hit them on there check but ricocheted of them and back to the woman killing her.

Left behind that night was a quite baby with quite tears in there eyes, and a electric looking heart mark in there check. Minutes later the organization that would take them in would show up and collect them. Taken to there new mother to train for what would come there way. That very same night another child form another dimension would also lose their parents  this child would become their twin brother. They would be place with there mother Esther who would teach them to love and protect. They would grow up with there twin siblings, there own twin and later there little sister. They would not be related by blood but nothing could change there love for each other.

They will grow up and led there family with love. They will love all that deserve it. And there love will never wavered even in the darkest times. They will be given a mission with there siblings that would change everyone's lives. This will be just the beginning. For they meet a boy that changes everything, becoming there only purpose in life. Because to see Harry Potter happy is to live with so much love.

 Because to see Harry Potter happy is to live with so much love

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That's what is on the check

Hi guys sooorry I was so scared to actually write the first chapter idk if I did good I tried. Anyways I tried the that them pronouns but I makes writing a lot longer process so I'm sorry but I will not be sticking with it. But you can still I maven it your self I'm sorry. I see y/n as a female with she/her pronouns so I'll be using them. Thank you for reading and please let my know what you think

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