Chapter 7: Eliot, Elia, and Rosa

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3rd person pov*

The darling spend many days being guided by there mother and father. Once the organization said there family was complete, in the senses that anymore rescued children will not be put in there family. There father resigned his job like they recommend so they can start educating and basic training with there children. The organization has some power system in each department. There has been many generation of darlings some blood and magic continued and some recreated as in they select the best and strongest individuals from other families. Esther and Evan where not always darling they us to be cross for Evan and Lafey for Esther. These are other families in these selected field. The families that Esther and Evan were in we're not known for long term missions. They where high elite families in the short in and out mission's, you would never have know they where there. Take it like five from the umbrella academy. They where a well know family in that department so when they trained Esther and even where the best and where partner up for missions. They became partners and did there job for 10 years making them 27 when they where asked to if they would like to be the knew parents for the darling family. There where new long term missions now that need severe help so they where starting up the department for that again. They agree they always wanted to be organization parents  so they agreed. They already wanted to start a family so it was great for them. They wanted to marry after they had all there kids settle in so at 31 they officially got married. There where only 5 families in the long term department. Over time the darlings took befriend they stats family the best. They hanged out and trained together most of the time. Sure the darlings where friends to all but the stars where clan. Clan is when a family becomes more then just friends they become magic family. There not genetic family like how in the beginning the children became genetically and magically family in always, to there mother father and siblings. These families have each other's back, there in a way cosine's in magic. The stars family only had three children, Jackson lee stars who was the age of Timothee and Y/N,  Rosa Lana stars the age of Eliot and Elia, and lusy babe stars which was the same age as euphoria.

Once the child is 16 they go and study and train in the organization building where there are mastery teachers. They have 3 years to master all the basics they learn with there parents. Until every member of the family finishes there training and graduate do they get evaluated as a group. When evaluation is over they decided what mission to assign. There then allow to plan and ask for any necessary tools that are provided by the organization.

Eliot and Elia pov*

Eliot) I woke up with a jolt there was banging on my door i I knew I was my annoying twin sister and her morning person mood. Elia: LIO WAKE UP ITS GOING TO BE ARE FIRST DSY AND I DONT WANT TO BE LATE. I heard her retreat to her room and sigh. I love my life and my family and im pretty excited to start my training but people I need my sleep. I didn't help that I couldn't sleep last night so now im tired and anxious. Anyway time to get up, i go to the restroom and get ready. I have my bag ready for weeks now Elia was persistent on it and mom agreed with her so I did as told. I can hear noice outside my room so I'm sure Elias outburst woke up the whole house. Timothee is going to be whining now that he is awake. Me my Sister and are best friend Rosa have been waiting for this day for 16 years. Well my whole family has and are still waiting. But where the oldest so we will be the first which is number one reason Timothee will whine. I hear the door open and it's dad. Eliot: oh hey dad did Elia wake you up, sorry about that. Evan: hey son, nah I was up already just waiting for you guys to be up, you feeling ready, you nervous. Eliot: yeah I'm feeling ok, I'm a little anxious but I know that's ok mostly really excited, also I trusty you guys have thought us the best of the best so I know I'll show everyone and make y'all proud. Evan: Lio we are already proud of all of you and y'all know it we tell you everyday, just because you feel like it's not real training I'm telling you, you have master it all already this is just to show the organization that you can and get other more advanced field simulation training that not everyone has in there home laying around. Eliot: thanks dad I know I just didn't word it right, I think I'm ready. Evan: alright we'll let's get downstairs and have ares selfs a light packed healthy breakfast. Eliot: haha ok dad. He he hugs  me around my shoulder with one hand and we head downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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