Chapter 5: Getting settled

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When I woke up there was light shining from the bay window. Timothee was holding tight to me and I was to him. When I looked up I saw the butterflies chilling on the roof. When I looked at the wall I saw some of the animals began waking up, they looked so cool. I began to touch Timothy's hair, maybe that would wake him up. I call out to him, "Wake up timmy, it's morning and the room looks even cooler" . He began to stir in his sleep, he let me go then yawn and stretched. He opened his hazel eyes and looked at me, and then smiled. "Morning sister, you're right, the room does look cool". I laughed and hugged him again.

Esther's POV
When I woke up I looked at my boyfriend and gave him a kiss. I knew he was probably tired so I got up and headed to the older twins room. When I walked in I saw two little babies each jumping in their cribs, they smiled at me and keeped jumping. "Good morning babies, How was your sleep?" Both answered "GoOd mama" I headed over to Elias crib first as I talked " That good, ok babies after I changed y'all's diapers I need to tell y'all something" They both nodded, i took Elia and changed her diaper and clothes in her changing table. As i did this i thought of the day i got them and i knew in that moment they needed a mother figure or reassurances that they where not motherless even if there mother was dead, i told them i was there mother now but the next day I said they didn't need to call me mom if they didn't want to. I was planning on having that talk with the new babies. I want them to feel comfortable and not be forced to do anything they don't want to, I just did what helped with the twins. I finished with Elia and put her in her crib and graved Eliot and did the same in his changing table. After i was done and there attention was on me I started talking, "Ok my loves i wanted to let you know that last night we got two new member in are family, there names are timothee and Y/N, there going to be like your siblings but of course its up to you and them to see each other as such, i would prefer if you did because i would be better for both of yall but i know these things take time to get used to. They both stared but then started jumping up and down and yelling "yay wuh hab baby buwater and sisy" I laughed and shushed them. "Ok ok i love the enthusiasm but i don't know if they are awake yet so let's keep quiet, I'm going to leave y'all in your playpen and i will go talk to them and then yall can meet them alright?" They both nodded, I took them both to their playpen and they stared expectantly at me to leave and do as I said I was.

As I left and neared their new twins room I felt the house telling me they were awake. Once I reached their room I knocked and opened the door, "Morning sweet babies, how did you sleep?" They both got up and studded there smiling at me, they started jumping and reaching out "mama mama mama" I laughed and smiled "Oh yes i see my sweet babies had a nice sleep, i missed yall too but i want to talk to you about something after i changed yall." They both nodded and I hummed and got to work, I took Timothee first and then Y/N after I was done I began talking. "Alright babies i wanted to talk about yall calling me mommy, you can if you want to you don't have too. If you feel reluctant to do so don't worry, I'm not going to replace your mom. My job will be to be here for you in any way I can" They both looked at me then each other, then paused then nodded and yelled out mama. I laugh and kiss their forehead, there's one more thing I want to talk about. "You guys are not my only babies. Before you guys I raised twins, birth twins.There are still babies like yall just a year older and they want to meet you guys are you ok with that?"  Timothee looked nervous but Y/N looked excited and she gave her brother a hand squeeze. They both nodded and I smiled, " One more thing I want to tell you guys is they're excited to meet you and they are already calling you their brother and sissy so I hope that doesn't bother you." They both smiled at that so i didn't bother to explain more i nodded and grabbed them both.

Mother has just talked to us about are new siblings, it feels great to have siblings. I made sure to look at timothee and reassure him that he is my twin brother, my number one sibling for life. He needs reassurance that I won't push him aside. He saw that, then he was more than happy to meet are new siblings. He is shy now and vulnerable but I'll make sure to change that. My brother will not be afraid anymore because I'll always have his back. Mom picked us up to take us to the twins room to meet them, this was so exciting. When she stopped in front of a door I could not wait, I started to think about how me and my brother are barely a couple of months old and mom doesn't find it weird we act the way we act.  I guess this was just a magical baby thing, I'm assuming my other siblings are magical too. When she opened the room I noticed the room was a different color then ours and looked quite different from our room. Our room had many browns and greens to look like the forest the animals lived in and Relatively light. Their room was more colorful and bright, I'm assuming the room matches the children. As soon as we open the door too see the twins jumping up and down on their tippy toes trying to get are attention. I smile down at them. They look so nice, I can't wait to see them properly.

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