Chapter 4: The New Twins

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As this man lomeded over my crib I thought of times I could have had with my parents, and what they had told me last. All I could really remember is thinking how I would keep my promise to my mother and make her proud. As well as how the man was so warm as I closed my eyes and fell unconscious.
Esther POV
I lay in bed sleeping, today was a hard day with the twins, they had been fussy all day not sure why though. My house phone ran just how i didn't expect it to. All substitute mothers and fathers have phones in their homes connected to other substitute parents and the organization's main building.There are many neighborhoods with substitute parents, and all have names. Are being called River of Dreams, which had more magical children In them. The world is in between time and space, we look like a normal planet/ world but we technically don't exist to normal people.And it runs just like any other world with school, jobs, hospitals, churches, etc. But their main job is to fix universal mistakes which is mostly done by the kids we raise. I know it sounds harsh but they don't have to do it, it's their choice. Most just choose to do it because they came from other universes and don't ever seem to fit in in this one as they put it.

Back to the phone ringing, I got up so quick I swear I had never ran so fast.I was not going to let that dreaded phone wake up those babies I worked so hard to put to bed. As I ran I thought about who it could be. The only people that call this late is Bella, she is a new substitute mother, or the organization and i dint expect them. I had not been notified I would be getting new kids but yet again so many things had been going bad lately that we have had to take in many more kids than ever.I picked up the phone.

Esther: hello?
Evan: Hey Esther it's Evan, I wanted to give you a heads up we are heading over.
Esther: What do you mean I had no notice of this, I don't have extra cribs and stuff... I haven't prepared any rooms.
Evan: Don't worry about it we are bringing stuff for you, and Esther you know better than me that there has been a spike of children. You're the only other substitute mother with the smallest family, we could not do Bella because she is known and she will probably have a mental breakdown.
Esther: Yeah you're right... well why are you calling me in your personal number and not your work number?
Evan: I felt you would feel better if I personally told you in my terms and not the company policy way.
Esther: Alright I get it ok... Well I guess I'll be waiting.
Evan:Alright hun I may actually sleep at home but who knows?
Esther:Alright if they don't let you tell them its my request ok, The twins miss you.
Evan Alright i miss them too, and you and i think you'll love who im bringing home, So see you at home, bye love.
Esther: I believe so too, bye my love.

I sat waiting once I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to let them in excited and nervous all at once. My boyfriend works in the fields rescuing kids. Once I reached the door I let them in, "Hey come inside".

Once I woke again we were inside a metal looking box, by we I mean the other magic people I sense. I sensed four but I could not see them because I was in this cocoon looking thing facing what looked like a soft wall. One studded out to me then the other it felt familiar, strong like mine as well. Now felt such beautiful magic. I was excited to see this other individual. Once I felt the box stop moving I was very much more alert than before. I heard the sound of moving, the slamming of something and stayed quite just in case. There was another sound and then there was little shining from my right side. I almost cried when I saw a hand reach in to grab my cocoon that was like a shield on me. I was taken out the metal box and saw homes and more metal boxes as well as roads.whoever grabbed me was taking me throws a front door. Next to me I caught a glimpse of another cocoon, I then knew that whoever had that strong magic that felt familiar was inside the cocoon.

Timothee POV
When I woke up again I was inside a car. How do I know, don't ask me . When i was sitting in this cartset i could feel four other people inside with me. But I sat there and I felt this strong magic hit me, it felt like family. My eyes water involuntary, how could i feel family if my family died, am i dead? I wanted to see this person. I wanted to be holded in their arms. I could feel so much love it was insane. Once my door was open and I was taken out of the car I saw the homes and cars .I then turned throws the front door but I didn't care I was trying to see the person full of love. The people holding us knocked on the door and then the door opened. I had to close my eyes because of the light shining from inside.

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