Chapter 6: A Euphoric Moment

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Third person pov*
Exactly one year later Ethan return home one night from a mission with Euphoria. She was alone and shaken up, being as little as she was and knowing all she did about the danger she is in scared her. She was in more pain knowing that her father was in danger and her mother was surely dead. So when this man named Ethan rescued her and took her away with her fathers blessing she wasn't sure how to feel.

Euphorias pov*
Father was talking to this man explain all that happen. He had kind eyes like my mothers which made me feel safe. I felt sad for my mother but more for my father. I knew that i was probably leaving with this man. Father will not only be losing a wife but also a daughter. My father turned to me and said "My sweet lovely girl you are not safe her anymore, and as much as it will pain me i must send you away." I was still a baby merely 2 months old i understood and touched my fathers check for comfort. "This man will take you and raise you with his partner and children that have had to field there homes for similar situations. Do not worry some day it will be safe to return and if you choose you will be able to live here again or visit. Do not be afraid to make connections, it is ok to see this man a father or his partner as a mother and there children as siblings, you will not be replacing me or your mother but merely just gaining another one and siblings as well. Don't forget that i love you and your mother loved you and surely continues to from the beyond." H e kissed me and placed me in the mans hands, the man said thanks and my father bed us goodbye.

Once inside what seem like a strange box with wings the man place me in a seat with straps. "Hi Euphoria im Ethan, i will be one of your care takers. Like you're father said if you ever wish to see me as your father you can and if you don't that's fine as well.  I will be taking you to where i live with my girlfriend and children. Like he said they have also last there parent but unlike you they don't have anyone waiting for them when things get better. So i will understand of when things get better you chose to return home but we want you to see us as family at least and family aren't always related." I nodded taken in the mans words, i already felt a strong connection like i would with my father something was just missing. I grew sleepy so i close my eyes to rest. When i open them again i was in a room with the man from earlier and a woman I presume was his partner. It's like they could see some she was watching because they stopped talking tuned to her and smiled. She didn't know what i was but felt the urge to smile back and she did.

The woman got on her knees to be at the same level she was in and began to speak "Hi Euphoria my name is Esther i will be your other garden. She began taking the stripes off the seat i was laying. Once she had me in her arms I felt that pull get stronger, i wanted to cry. I couldn't hold it and began crying i felt this turn ended urge to call her my mother she felt like my mother, even more then my own mother which made me sadder I didn't want to replace my mother. Before i could even stop myself i hugged the woman and said "mama". She answered by hugging me and saying "oh my sweet baby its ok everything is going to be ok, i will protect you. My love its ok i will not replace your mother its ok to see me as your mother, i will protect and care for you just as she would do. I could feel your magic expressing its conflict. Me and Ethan will be your parents we will always be there but we will never replace them. Think of it as a gift from beyond you have the double of support" I thought about what she said and I Remember what father said ab out making connection and I was ok to see these people like my mother and father. By the time i was outside my thought Ethan was next to Esther, reached out to him. i then said "mama, papa" they both hold me close to them and began whispering into my ear sweet nothings. "It's ok princess we got you, mama and papa got you. Nothing will ever hurt you again." Later in life i would hate to admit it but i feared something would take away my new found family like it did my old. Sure my father was alive but are family was broken never to be same again.

Once i had calm down enough to almost fall asleep again, mother began speaking again "Baby before you fall asleep if your up for it we want you to meet are other children." Right there where others, she felt a pang of something she has never had siblings before she was nervous they would not like her but like as if reading her mind she Budted in to her thoughts and said "there excited to meet you, there already calling you there little sister, but like i said if your not up for it, its alright." That made feel better so I nodded i wanted to meet them too if they wanted to meet me. "Alight lets go ahead shall we" we got up and headed Towards a room with a white door. When pap open it light shined threw and a plain with balloons flew pass are faces to do a full circle around the room.  I heard giggling and laughter as i looked down i saw four kids two girls and two boys. They stopped what they where doing and looked up towards me and smiled at me. Mama stated taking " hi hi my lovelies look who i brought" they all started jumping and cheering. Mama turned to me and said " baby is it ok to put you in the playpen with them so you guys can get to know each other?" I nodded and she place me down with them. They rushed towards me and hugged me and all those pulls I felt earlier clicked into place these felling felt like home once they let go i heard a voice in my head. "Hi im Y/n this is my brother Timothee my sister Elia and my brother Eliot what's your name?" I frozen i shocked this had never happen before but I didn't Harte so I answered "hi my name is Euphoria its nice to meet you" then Elia spoke out "It's nice to meet you to lil sis oh right is ok we call you sister we all do that?" Eliot spoke up too "we do but that doesn't mean you have to feed a lighted to do as well is up too you/" Elia and the rest nodded too. I thought about it and answered " you I believe its alright to call me your sister can i call you guys my brothers and sisters" Elia spoke up once More " of course you can that would be so amazing" she said with so much enthusiasm and hugged me. Timothee spoke up " sorry for Elia she is a very hyper person" Elia answer by saying sorry. I smiled and said i was ok with it and that i liked it which would have been hard for me to admit 10 minutes ago but not with these people. I dint know why i felt it but i knew these people would never judge me. They all smiled and hugged me and said " welcome home lil sister"

After all the introductions mama and papa butted in and said they wanted to show me my room so i said later to my siblings and promised to return to play later and mama and papa took me to another room. The door was a maroon color and when papa open the door some pretty doves flew above are heads and landed on branch that was growing all around the room. The walls and furniture where all different shades of purple my favorite color, like my mothers eyes which i now have. The floor was brown wooded with a small white carpet by a toy rack full of toys and containers for them. I loved my room i hugged my mama and papa.

After hanging out with my siblings all day and having diner with them the first time i was time for bed. Mama and papa had bathed us together which made me feel more comfortable. They wrapped us in towels and took us each, we went inside Eliot and Elias room again, me, Timothee, and y/n where place in the soft carpet in there room we'll mama and papa got Eliot and Elia ready for bed in there changing tables, they wore matching pjs color cream. Mama put them down in floor they came over to us and said good night and gave us each a kiss. Papa picked them up and put them each it there beds Elias covers where a dark Mustard yellow and Eliot's where a dark creamy brown. Mama and papa said good night and turned off the lights but in the sky there where yellow stars like if a kid had drawn them, that began glowing. Little characters began popping out telling a story and mamas and papas voice began telling a story in the room, the characters also looked like they where drawn by 2 year old which maybe Eliot and Elia drew themselves.

Once we left we headed towards a brown doors when we opened it a white owl butterfly danced around the room then settled. The animals in the walls where moving around dancing playing and grooming them selfs it was cuter to watch. Mama placed me in a rocking chair for baby's we'll i watched her put clothes on y/n and timothee. By the end they where both wearing a cream brown pjs, they where put down and they ran to me and said there goodnights to me and kissed me as well. Mama picked them up and put them in there separated cribs and both mama and papa kissed them good night. They picked me up we said night night again and mama turned off the lights as we where leaving i saw the stars in the sky of there room come to life but there looked like the actual night sky. Papas and mamas voice began retelling a tail which was told with the stars and the animals on the wall all began cuddling and sleeping. Mama closed the door and we headed towards my room when we open the door the doves just cuddle closer to each other mama began dressing me. I was not wearing a dark lavender pj . Papa came in with a bottle of milk and mama and pap began feeding me a rocking me in a chair we'll they told me a story and mamas magic animated it. I would later learn that the tree and leafs growing in my roof would recoil to just the corners of my room to show a sky of clouds that would animate mamas and papas new stories every night that where not always told to me by there physical selfs. I had to share my mama and papa which i was ok with, i was never told the same story twice unless i asked of course.

3rd pov*
Once euphoria closed he little eyes Esther kissed her four head and got up and placed her in her crib. Both her and Ethan kissed her and made sure the bay monitor was working. They had one in every room. Once done they took a shower together it's was 8 by now. So they headed to there room to watch a movie for a hour and cuddle. It was now 9 they did a little light reading for 20. Minutes to get sleepy and headed to sleep holding each other awaiting for the next day there family had grown once again. They knew they would not be getting anymore children form the organization anymore if they where to have more they would be once Esther would birth herself. Just because she didn't birth those children doesn't make them any less of hers they where magic and blood related now, sure she's didn't go threw the pain of birth but she was going to be there for there hops there downs, for there good days and bad days. She was going to be there mother and nothing could ever change that. That night they feel asleep dreaming of memories to come.

Hi guys i know I haven't posted it like forever but i thank you for your potions. I'm out of school and out of my writers block. I think i know where in going with this story once again. Once again taking for under standing and reading.

Harry Potter and Marauder's era: I will change it for youजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें