His Hat

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Shorty into her and Jacks relationship Katherine had learned not to mess with his hat. No one touched Jacks hat. Period. She had made the mistake of swiping his hat off his head; he had almost had a heart attack. Another time had been when they were in the middle of making out on her kitchen floor and she had ran her hands through his hair and accidentally knocked it to the ground. He had gotten off her completely to put it back in place leaving her glaring at him with her skirts pushed up around her thighs. She didn't let him continue after that. Over the course of there relationship Katherine had learned not to mess with his hat, but she wanted to know why she couldn't. She wondered how a ragged old hat could be so special to some one, she had asked him once why it was so special to him but he had just shook shook his head and said he didn't want to talk about it. But Katherine really wanted to know especially one day when she entered her apartment late one evening. She had just spent six hours typing an article at her desk in the sun and all she wanted was to curl up to Jack and go to sleep. That plan however, was spoiled when she spotted her boyfriend sitting on her couch his arms resting on his legs. He was inspecting something intently in his hands and he didn't look up until the door clicked behind her.


"Oh, hey Ace." He said sounding far off and Katherine finally could see what was in his hands: his hat. He was fiddling with it deep in thought. She wasn't surprised to find his in her apartment she had started leaving her window unlocked ages ago.

"You ok?" She asked eyeing him as she set her key back in its place between the desk and the wall.

"Yea why?" He asked putting his hat back on his head securely.

"Well you look a little... distracted." She said as he stood up.

"It's cause' you walked in the room." He said smirking. Katherine rolled her eyes as he walked toward her. He grabbed her waist and pulled her close softly pressing his lips to her neck. She immediately felt her mind go fuzzy from the action and she felt herself forget what she was gonna ask him. No. She had to focus.

"So... um, why don't you ever take your hat off." She said straining to see his face.

"I jus' did." He said pointing over his shoulder at the couch "you saw." Katherine shook her head and stepped away from him.

"I know but I mean like, you always freak out when anyone touches it and I was just wondering why you were so upset about it." Katherine said feeling herself start to ramble. "And I don't want to be rude or anything but when-"

"Hey! Hey! Ace woah slow down." He said clutching her arms. "You ain't being rude, I jus' don't know..." his hand went up to touch the brim of his hat "It was a gift, an I don't wanna lose it."

"A gift from who?" Katherine asks not able to help it. Jacks expression darkens and he looks slightly pained.

"My ole' man." He says as his voice wavers slightly. Katherine instantly felt bad for asking, she knows Jack hates talking about his father.

"Oh, Jack I'm sorry! I didn't mean..."

"It's fine Kath, I jus' don't wanna lose it. H-he a... gave me it when I was young, ya know before he went to jail an all..." Jack trailed off.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Katherine said giving him an out. Jack clenched his jaw and rolled his shoulders.

"Thanks Katherine, there ain't much to talk about any way." He said quietly closing his eyes. Katherine knew that was a lie but she decided not to press him. Instead she wrapped her arms around him and held him close, he buried his face in the side of her neck and they stood there for a while just holding each other. She relished something right then; she relished that she needed him like he needed his hat. He was special to her and she always wanted him with her, wanted him to always be the cocky flirt she knew. She wanted him to always be there looking extremely attractive in his hat.

Authors note- I wrote this one extremely quickly so sorry if it sucks. Tell me what you think, suggestions are welcome! I own nothing! Thank you

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