Can't Get Enough Of You

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Katherine had never felt so strongly about some one before. It seemed to her the more time she spent around Jack, the more she missed him when they were apart. She hated the time they were apart when she had to work and he had to sell papers all day. But she especially loved the nights where he'd slip into her room and hold her all night until the sun rose again and then they'd both have to leave and go back to work. She loved when he'd surprise her in the middle or the day and stop by her desk to see her, it was always a surprise because it didn't happen often. She loathed the times he'd take night jobs to earn extra money to make sure all the boys were fed. It wasn't that she didn't want the boys to be fed, it was just she knew the jobs took there toll on him and she didn't get to see him as often. But when he was with her, she couldn't get enough of him. She might seem like a love sick teen but it was true. She. Could. Not. Get. Enough. Of. Him. And he knew it too. She couldn't get enough of his natural leadership. She couldn't get enough of his charm (she'd never tell him that though) his confidence, his passion. And she especially couldn't get enough of him when his lips trailed down her neck and his hands pushed the fabric of her skirts away from her legs his cool hands sliding up her thighs. She couldn't, he always made her want more. 'I could live with this' she thought and it was true, he kept her on her toes, he made her feel special. She was all right with that because she knew he couldn't get enough of her either.

Authors note- Ramble. Ramble. Ramble. I know. I know. But I LOVE writing those kinds of story's!! I hope you agree!! Remember suggestions are WELCOME! I own nothing! Tell me what you think. Thank you

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