The Talk

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Jack hadn't been too worried when Katherine told him her father knew about their relationship, what was the old man gonna do about it? He wasn't worried until Katherine had told him about her father had invited them over for tea. Tea? Who invited people over to drink tea? When he had asked Katherine about this she had just rolled her eyes and told him it was a "Rich Person Thing" she told him mocking herself. So he had every right to be nervous as him and Katherine made their was to The World building, that was another thing, who invited people for tea to their work? Jack would never understand.

"Will you stop messing with your hat." Katherine told him as they made their way up the steps.

"Sorry Ace, force a habit." He apologized. It was true Jack messed with his hat a lot when he was nervous.

"It's fine just try not to look like your about to confess to murder." She told him gently and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Easy for you ta say." He muttered.

"I thought you weren't scared of my father!" She said bumping him with her shoulder playfully. They made it to the top of the stairs and stood to face her.

"I ain't scared, jus' a little nervous." He said locking eyes with her. Katherine chuckled and gave him a reassuring kiss to the cheek.

"Don't be." She whispered in his ear, she held his hand more tightly and pulled him into the enormous office building. They passed by a desks that had a few people still working late, most kept focused on their work but a few waved at Katherine.

"Miss Pulitzer! How are you?" A women with red hair asked Katherine as they neared the big doors.

"Im great thanks Hanna, is my father here?" She asked her as they walked up to her desk.

"Go ahead and go in he will be back in a moment." She said and nodded at the big oak doors. Katherine and Jack gave their thanks and pushed the heavy doors open. Jack had been in this room only twice in his life, that had been during the strike and he hadn't been paying much attention to the details but as he walked in with no apparent threat he could really take in just how big the room was. Jack guessed the room could fit all the Newsies of Manhattan comfortably, and that was saying something. The walls were a soft gold and the carpet was a faded white that looked like little tiny crystals were trapped inside. Pulitzers big oak desk was littered with random papers (it looked like Katherine's back at home) and a big dormant fire place stood to the left of his desk. Various pictures hung on the wall which Jack quickly took interest in. He whistled under his breath as he walked to one picture in particular, it was of Katherine, or it looked like Katherine she wasn't quite the same. The woman in the picture had blue eyes instead of brown and her hair was pinned to her head in a elegant fashion.

"Wow" was all Jack could say.

"That's my mother." Katherine said walking up behind him and sliding an arm around his waist.

"She looks just like you." He said observing it closely. "Who ever painted his was a genius! She looks so real, do you see the way the light is on the left side of her face and it makes the other side darker. It gives it a more human look, oh my goodness do you see her dress? It looks like a real breeze is flowing!" He said in complete awe. Oh and don't get him started on the sunset behind the woman! It would put Santa Fe to shame. Katherine laughed at him.

"Oh you and your painting. I love it." She said and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Who painted it?" Jack asked wanting to know so he could find them and shake their hand.

"I'm not sure, you could ask my father. It was painted on their wedding day." She told him. That would explain why her dress was white and she was reverently holding a bundle of sunflowers.

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