So Take Me Back

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"Will you just go away?!?" Katherine yelled to Jack who was pounding on her door. "I can't talk to you right now, go away!" He voice cracks and she feels tears well up in her eyes. She hated fighting with Jack, but it always seemed to happen.

"Katherine, I'm coming in we need to talk!" Jack called back to her. She silently cursed herself for not locking the door as Jack let himself in. She grabbed the nearest thing and chucked it at his face, her pillow glances harmlessly off his arms.

"Get out!" She screams at him her cheeks now wet with tears.

"Katherine stop! This is ridiculous I didn't even do anything!" He says dodging another pillow.

"Didn't do anything!?! Jack! Why do you have to be so damn selfless? Can't you see that I want to help you!?! I-I can't do that when you won't let me get close to you!" She shouted at Jack and scooted farther on to her bed as Jack came closer to her.

"Sorry Kath, I'm just not... I don't know." He said looking down at his hands.

"You don't know?" Katherine asked raking her sleeve across her wet cheeks. "We've been together for six months and you don't KNOW!?!" She shouted.

"Chill out Ace-"

"Don't you Ace me Jack Kelly! I can't live like this anymore! Ok? I get that you've had a hard life and you don't want to talk about it, I get it. But Jack, I feel like we're strangers, you know more about me than I do about you and it's not fair!" Her throat felt raw from screaming at him.

"I've been trying to tell you. It's hard for me, I haven't had a life a luxury like you! Forgive me for saying this but I'd rather talk about how much you hate your father then how mine youse to lock me in his room and beat me with a belt!" Jack snapped back at her, his eyes here burned with something Katherine had never seen before, it was like she could see straight into his sole. Something she'd never been able to do before.

"Oh Jack." She said her anger fading, she felt horrible for what she had made him say.

"Don't you dare pity me Katherine." He shot at her. Katherine felt tears spring back into her eyes, she felt horrible. She wanted to hug him, to tell him it would be ok. "I get that you want to know me, I understand, but I have never loved someone like I do you. I don't want to tell you anything that would scare you away, I can't lose you Kath."

"Don't you trust me?" She asked.

"Of course I do I jus-"

"Then why can't you trust me with who you are? Jack I feel the same about you, I love you. How can you love me if you can't even tell me about your past?" She felt slightly bad for saying that, but she needed him to listen. He looked at her like he wanted to cry, he looked as if she had just opened the whole world to him. "I love you, and I'm gonna give you time. I want you Jack Kelly, please don't push me away."

"I'm sorry Katherine, I want you back." He said and walked up to her bed. She smiled faintly at him and grabbed the collar of his shirt and kissed him. She pulled away and her smile grew.

"So, take me back." She whispered and pulled him down on top of her.

Authors note- Suggestions are welcome!! I own nothing!-

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