Chapter 1

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Tommy and his family moved to a new neighborhood, well, expat it's just him, his dad, and two brothers. Their mom had died of cancer and his dad wanted to restart his life. So he bought a house, in a new town. "Hey, toms, can you help me with these boxes?" He turned around and saw Wilbur struggling with one of the boxes. "Sure." He walked over and took one end of the box. "So how are you liking the new house and neighborhood so far?" "It's ok." Wilbur nodded. "Where do you think dad is?" They turned their heads and saw technoblade. "He's probably talking to the neighbors." "Do you mind helping us?" techno graded the other side of the box. "God, what did dad put in this?" Tommy tried to open the door. "It's locked, great." "Everyone put the box down on 3." Tommy and Wil nodded their heads. "1..2..3." And with a big thouted on the ground, Tommy looked at techno, "will, let's say hi to our neighbors." "tommy." He looked at wilbur. "I'll race you." and with that they all ran to the first house. "Who wants to knock on the door?" "I will." Tommy went up to the door and knocked. The door opened to a girl, she looked around their dad's age. She had white puffy hair with rainbows in them, she was also part goat and was wearing a white dress shirt and top of her shirt was a red coursat and she was wearing black jeans. "Hello, I'm Tommy, and these are my brothers, Wilbur and technoblade, we are your new neighbors." "will hello there tommy, im puffy, it's nice to meet you." she said with a smile and as she was about to say something else two boys came over to the door to see what was happening. "And these are my two kids, dream and foolish." dream and foolish looked around techno and wilbur age. "Mom, who are they?" dream asked, locking eyes with tommy. "They are our new neighbors, please be nice to them." she asked and dream nodded. As Wilbur was about to say something, he felt a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry if my kids are bothering you." "There not, I was about to invite them in if that's ok with you ." Philza looked at his kids and then puffy. "We have to finish moving things in, but we probably can later." she nodded. "If you guys need help you can always ask us." "thank you miss." "puffy, what's your name?" "philza." "will it's nice meet you guys and i hope you have a good rest of your day, bye." bye." phliza looked at his kids. "Ok, we better go, you guys can meet the other neighbors later." "ok, dad." they all said walking back to their house. "Hey, tom." Tommy looked at wilbur. "Ya?" "I saw an ice cream shop coming to town, wanna go?" techno looked at them. "If dad says it' s ok." they both nodded. "We better hurry up if you guys want to explore the town." they nodded. Later. Tommy was in his new room looking around. "Hey toms, i ordered some food and it should be here around 6:30." "ok dad, i'll be down around that time." philza nodded and then left tommy alone. He started to take stuff out and put them around his room, as he was getting something out he saw technoblade. "Tommy." "techno?" "Have you seen my picture of mom?" "no, but I got some extras if you want one." "please.'' He pulled out a picture of their mom and handed it to technoblade. " thank you toms." and then he walked out. Tommy looked down at the last picture they got of their mom. She was wearing her favorite black dress and had her hair in a braid. She was sitting next to their dad. They were smiling and looking at the camera. In the back you can see Wilbur and techno chasing tommy. He smiled remembering that day and went to see if Wilbur wanted to walk around town. As he was walking down the hall he could hear techno talking to their dad and Wilbur blasting music. He walked in and saw Wilbur sitting on his bed and reading a book. "Hey will, do you want to walk around the town?" he looked up from his book and smiled. "Of course." he sat up and graded his phone. "Do you want to see if techno wants to come with us?" "sure." Wilbur nodded and walked towards techno room. "Hey, do you want to come with me and tommy?" He looked up to see both of his brothers at his doorway. "Sure." They smiled. "Ok, we will what by the door for you." Wilbur said, smiling. "Ok." They walked out of his room and went by the door. "Where are you guys going?" Tommy turned around and saw their dad. "We are going around town." "ok but be safe." "We will, techno is coming with us." Wilbur said, smiling. "Ok." philza said as techno walked towards them. "Ok lets go, we have to be home before 6:30." Wilbur and Tommy nodded and walked out the door.

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