Chapter 3

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Tommy got up and put on a blue jacket before going down stairs. "Good Morning Tommy, what time did you go to sleep and who were you talking to?" Philza said and Tommy looked behind him and saw his brothers worried faces and thought about his disason. " It was about 12 and I was talking to myself." he said and saw his brothers let out a sigh of relave. "Hey, day, I really don't feel that good today." Tommy said, sitting down and started to pick at his breakfast. "It's probably because you stayed up late." philza said, placing a plate of food down. "So how was your guys' day yesterday?" "it was good, we made some friends.'' Wilbur said, looking at techno who was nodding. "That's good, what about yours?" he said, looking at tommy. "It was fine." "Did you make any friends?" Tommy shocked his head no and philza let out a breath of disappointment. "How about your dad?" Wilbur asked, hoping to change the subject. "It was good, got a new job but the only downside is that I won't be around that much." all three of the boys nodded their heads and said that it was ok and that they understood. " wheil, it's almost time for school, I'll see you boys later." and they all walked out of the door and not even two steps they heard dream and foolish. "Hey guys." Wilbur said with excitement that Tommy haset heard for a long time and saw techno smiles for the first time after their mom died. Maybe they aren't that as Tommy first thought of them and was helping his brothers get used to the new town. "Hey toms." he looked at the older boys. "Is it ok if we walk with them, we promise we will walk with you tomorrow." "ya that's fine." Tommy said and then walked away. If he could remember the school was the way he was going. As he was thanking he ran into a man about his dad's age, "im so sorry sir."  The goat Hyderabad looked at him. How many goats Hyderabad were in this town he thought to himself and before he could say anything a boy came running out of the house. "You must be Tommy, dream told me about you, im tubbo." Tommy was kinda shocked at how the boy knew what he looked like. "Ya, that's me." he said to the boy. "Dad he's sorry, no need to get mad.'' Tubbo said to him and then dragged Tommy with him. "I'm sorry about my dad, he has anger issues." Tommy nodded and was taking notes that he felt like was important to him. As they were walking , Tommy saw his brothers but he knew that they wanted him to leave them alone so he did and started to talk to tubbo agein. "How long have you lived here?" Tommy asked, looking at tubbo. " about my whole life, what about you?" "I moved here yesterday." Tubbo nodded. "Can I see your school schedule?" Tommy nodded and reached for his schedule and gave tubbo his schedule. "Ok, let's see...looks like you have the same classes as me except P.E." Tommy nodded and looked at the school building. "This is a big school," he said. " not really." Tommy looked at tubbo and back at the school. "What do you mean NoT rEaLl, IT IS HUGE." tubbo giggled. "I'm going with your old school isn't this big?" Tommy shocked his head no and took tubbos  arm and dragged them in the school.  "Ok, where is our first class?" "it's this way." Tubbo took his arm and led them to their first class. When they got in there they saw that they were the only two in three but when they looked around they saw  dream in there. "Hey tommy." he said, walking over to them. "How are you?" Tommy and tubbo felt unsettled by this. "I'm good." he said and saw sapnap and george by the door. "What are you doing here?" "classrooms don't have cameras and your brothers trust us and will believe that you're lying." he said before punching Tommy in the face. "OW, WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Before he could stand up, Dream picked  him up by the shirt cooler and threw him across the room. "Tubbo, if you tell anyone I swear to whatever god there is." and with that they left. "I'm so sorry." Tubbo said, helping him up and trying to stop the bloody nose. "There's blood everywhere, let's get you to the nurse." Tommy nodded and followed tubbo to the nurse and he saw his brothers but with different people. "I'm going to tell my brothers." "Please don't." Tubbo said scared and pulled Tommy away from them. "We are going to the nurse and you're not telling them." "Why are you so scared of them?" "they will do much worse than that." Tommy nodded. "I do feel kinda tired."  Tubbo looked at him and pulled them in the nurse oface. "You probably got a concussion." Tubbo whispered to himself and told the nurse that Tommy got a bloody nose and is feeling tired. "Do you mind staying here for now until we call your dad?" Tommy barlad heard her and looked at them with sleepy eyes. "Sure." and tubbo told him something before leaving and Tommy went to sleep. Later. Tommy heard the door open and looked up and saw wilbur. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Im.." Tommy paused and then rolled over and went back to sleep. Wilbur looked at the nurse. "Can I take him home, our dad is at work." "What about your mom?" the nurse asked as techno walked in. "our mom is dead, can we just take our brother home?" the nurse nodded and techno picked him up and went home                                                                    

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