John B. Imagine Part 3

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Rafe gets into his Range Rover and while he's distracted I take the opportunity to try fighting off Ward. He pushes me into the side of the car and put my legs on the door and shove both of us flying backwards. Ward is getting his bearings back on the ground while I get up and start running towards the street. I feel Rafe's hand on my bicep and he flings backwards hitting the trunk of the car. 

"Oh come on Princess, you can't leave yet," He says as he pushes my hair out of my face with his hand with the gun in it. 

"Just put her in the car Rafe" Ward says as he gets up, his nose bloody from where my head hit his. 

"Damn Maybank family" He mutters as he walks ahead of us. 

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that Ward," I say. It can't get much worse so why not piss him off and stand up for myself. 

"You, your mom, your brother, and your dad, you're all trash. Nobody would miss you guys if you just fell off the face of the earth. My family and me we do everything to make a good life for ourselves and you and your brother just wanna tear us down. You're jealous of our family," He says all of this with such ease, it sounds like something he's said a million times. And he probably has to his little country club friends. 

"Jealous of you and your family? HA! You're pathetic Ward. Your family, except for Sarah and Wheezie, are just a bunch liars, drug addicts, and most importantly murderers. You're a murderer Ward and everyone is going to figure it out soon enough." Upon the word "murderer" Ward spins around and slaps me so hard across the face I feel his wedding ring draw blood on my cheek. 

"You shut your mouth. I will kill you right here, do you understand?" Ward is seething with rage as he wraps his hands around my throat. 

"Go ahead, Ward, do it. Tack another person on to your kill sheet," I say challenging him. I figured they were going to kill me one way or the other so I needed to get under his skin. 

He let go of me and walked off inside the house, leaving Rafe and I standing in the driveway. It was almost sunrise now. The black sky had changed into a dark blue purple tone that you could see getting brighter as you looked out past the Cameron's dock. 

"So what's the plan here Cupcake?" I ask Rafe. I really was curious about what they planned to do with me. If nothing else, JJ at least had the note explaining that the last place I was alive was at the Cameron's. Maybe the police would figure it out and Sarah could say I was here. Maybe if Ward kills me that'll be the last nail in his coffin. I'd be the fourth person he's killed. First Big John then those two goons that were chasing us around. Then me. 

"Shut up y/n." Rafe said quietly but matter of factly. 

"Awe come on, you're gonna kill me anyway," I say with a small laugh. 

"He's gonna take you to Nassau. Probably kill you there," Rafe said with no emotion in his voice. 

If the Pogues still planned to stop the plane, and I assume they are, then nobody will be going to Nassau. I hope they stick with the plan despite my note to JJ saying I came here. I was thinking about all the possible ways this plan could go wrong when Rafe pushes the gun into my back. 

"I'm gonna do a line real quick and if you so much as take a step, I'll kill you" He whispers in my ear. 

"God Rafe,  you're insane," I say.

He goes over to the hood of the car and pulls out a small dime bag with cocaine in it. He dumps out a small line onto the hood of the car and looks back up at me. This is my chance. If I can just make it past the stone wall and to the dirt bike. The second he starts to snort the line I have to run and fast. I'm betting he'll keep his word about shooting me but he won't be able to focus for the first few seconds once the high rushes over him. I can feel the adrenaline start coursing through me as I wait for him to bend over. He grabs a dollar bill from his pocket and rolls it, my heart beat is getting faster and faster  I'm worried he'll see my vein popping on my neck. He leans over and begins to snort the line and I break into an all out sprint towards the wall. I hear him start to scream and ten feet, 5 feet to the wall and then I'm there. Throwing my body over the wall as I hear Rafe firing the gun. I see bits of stone fly off the wall as the bullets hit and I bring my other leg over the wall and I'm finally on the other side. I'm farther down from the bike then when I first got here but I sprint down the street and hop on not bothering to put on the helmet as it falls to ground as I kick the kickstand off. I see Rafe jump over the wall where I did and scan from side to side till he sees me. I get the engine going and fly off towards the chateau. He must be out of bullets cause the firing stops. Wonder how Ward will cover up his son firing a gun in the neighborhood at five am. 

My heart is still pounding as I get to the chateau. I hear yelling coming from inside and I assume everyone has seen the note and freaking out. They come running out the screen door when they hear the bike stop. JJ and John B. both fly out the door towards me and cling on to me sending me backwards to the ground. 

"Y/n what the fuck were you thinking! Are you insane? How could you just leave like that!" JJ is shouting as he paces back and forth infront of me while John B. holds me tightly against his chest. 

"Baby you lied to me. You told me you went for a walk but failed to mention that you "walked" into a death trap," John B. says as he shakes my shoulders. 

"Please don't shake me like that I'm pretty sure I have a concussion," I say laughing. 

"Omg y/n, your forehead, its bleeding. What the hell happened? Did Ward do this? I swear I'll kill him" He says again as pushes my hair back to look at the cut.

"Oh no, not Ward, no this is all courtesy of a cracked out Rafe Cameron. He didn't like that I was threatening his daddy so he decided to throw me down a flight of stairs and then lock me in a wine cellar. Oh and then threatened to shoot me," They all look stunned as I fill them in on the rest of the details.

"Yeah and when he went down to do another line I booked it. He was shooting at me and it was nuts" I say. I relayed my horrific night to them all within two minutes of stepping off the bike. The reality of it all finally hitting me as I feel the adrenaline leave my body. I suddenly feel so tired and then I feel a huge wave of pain wash over my left leg. 

"Ow, ow something really hurts" I say through gritted teeth. I look down at my left thigh and see a dark stain growing bigger across my jeans. I know its not wine because that left a slightly pink stain. This was blood. 

"Its probably glass from one of the broken wine bottles" I say as I pull down my jeans. I was wearing a bikini underneath so it was okay. 

Along the side of my thigh was a gash that was about three inches long. 

"Y/N, that's not a cut, that's a bullet wound. Rafe shot you y/n" Pope says as he grabs a beach towel off the clothes line and throws it over my leg. 

"Fuck, fuck,fuck" JJ mutters as he stands next to me. 

"It looks like it grazed you but you definitely need stitches," Pope says as he applies pressure with the towel.

"Y/n how the hell did you not know you were shot" Kiara says as she looks at me with concern. 

"I had so much adrenaline in me Ki, I was just so focused on getting back here and away from them," I say as I lean back against John B. Everyone sits down around John B. and Pope and I.

"We have to stop that plane, its our only chance," I say as I push Pope off to look at the wound. 

"Y/n, you almost just died trying to stop Ward, what else can we do?" JJ says and I can tell he's so mad at me for almost abandoning him. 

"We stick with the original pl- wait" I say as a new thought jumps into my mind. "Ward can't go anywhere if he's accused of attempted murder," I say and everyone looks confused. 

"Y/n how hard did you hit your head, we've been trying to get the police to stop him for actual murder and that hasn't worked."

"Let me set the scene for you guys. I hobble into the police station and say "Sheriff Peterkin help! Ward Cameron tried to kill me" and show her my leg. Even the cops that Ward has under his thumb won't be able to file away a real gunshot wound. I'd love to say Rafe did it but lets be honest, Ward could still leave with the gold while Rafe gets booked into jail. I can just lie and then figure out the rest later," I say. When I'm done I can't tell if the Pogues are impressed or trying t figure out a way to nicely tell me I can't make a false police report. 

"Okay the story needs tweaking but that could work. If you say Ward and Rafe were holding you hostage and Rafe shot at you, they would have to stop him," Pope says. Everyone looks around with a small smile and John B. turns my face to kiss him. 

"I love you so much but if you ever scare me like that again, I'll kill ya" he says with another kiss on the cheek.

"Pogues we are back in the g-game baby. All thanks to my idiot sister nearly getting herself killed but hey us Maybank's get results"JJ says as he gives me a small smile.

"Back in the g-game baby" 

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