Topper's Sister Part 3

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It had been two days since the night my life completely shifted. I told my parents I was staying with Sarah for a few days because I didn't want to be around Topper. Now that Ward was John B.'s legal guardian, he stayed with Sarah too. Sarah told her dad about what happened and he immediately wanted to help John B. which I thought was a little strange but definitely nice of him. He told my parents about what happened with Topper and John B. but of course they don't believe that Topper just pushed him, they think it was some accident. I know Topper didn't want John B. to fall down the Hawk's Nest but he definitely didn't care when he did. My mom had just called me and told me I needed to come home or else she would come and pick me up from Sarah's. The Pogues and Sarah drop me off outside and I tell them to wait around the corner for a few minutes incase I need a quick getaway. 

"Well well look who finally decided to come home" Topper snarled at me as I walked in the door. All three of them were sitting around the kitchen table looking as if they were about to give me an intervention of some sort. 

"Sit down" My dad said sternly and I instead sat at the island instead of the table with them. 

"Y/n, what the hell has been going on?" My mom asked me.

"Why don't you ask Topper, he's the one who almost killed someone" I said and was met with three shocked faces. 

"That was an accident! Sarah was cheating on me with him of course I was gonna get mad!"Topper shouted back at me. My mom placed a soothing hand on his arm to settle him. 

"We know it was an accident sweetie, don't we y/n?" My mom said as her voice went from sweet to cold as she turned to me.

"Topper and Rafe were acting like animals last night! They first tried to beat up JJ and then he pushes John B! And each time I tried to stop them they then turned on me!" I was crying now because I was desperate for either of my parents to show some sort of sympathy for me or anger towards Topper. 

"You mean when that Maybank boy crashed the party? He shouldn't have been there in the first place." My mom said cooly. "Why do you care about either of those boys? Because Sarah does? Well hunny we will not let you go down the same path as her? Getting involved with those Pogues is not what you will be doing!" She was getting louder now and my dad sat there silently watching everything unfold.

"What is wrong with you guys? Who cares if they're Pogues or kooks! It doesn't matter!" I yelled back at her feeling like I was going crazy having to explain this. 

"The world we live in hunny is different. It does matter that they're Pogues. We don't live like that and neither do you." My mom says matter of factly.

"This is unreal! How am I the one being lectured right now when Topper almost killed John B. last night! And then he practically dragged me towards his car to get me to leave which by the way he was driving drunk! If either of you care about that!"

"No I wasn't!" Topper yells back at me as he steps towards where I'm sitting at the counter. I stand then even though I feel even smaller standing next to him. He was only seven inches taller than me but I suddenly felt so small in my own house.

"Oh please I could smell it on your breathe Topper!" I say as I get closer to him. 

"Stop it both of you!" My dad finally chimes in angrily.

"Were you high when this occurred y/n, or was your brother the only intoxicated one?" My mom says as she looks at me with a smug and cold look on her face.

"You asshole!" I shout at Topper and shove him which he then reciprocates and I trip over a chair and fall backwards. I was crying even harder now. I felt like everything around me was falling apart. The favoritism for my brother was being made even more clear throughout this conversation and I felt like my whole world was collapsing. 

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