Pogue Princess Part 1

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You're John B.'s twin sister. You and Kiara are best friends and both share a dislike for Sarah. JJ is like another brother for you and you two often get in trouble for doing dumb things. Pope always makes sure you're all in line and not screwing things up too badly. 

Ward brought both you and John B. to live with them after what happened at the Hawks Nest when John B. fell.


"No you're lying! My dad wouldn't hurt anyone!" Sarah yelled at me as we hid behind a bush in her yard. 

"Sarah he killed my dad! He killed him for the gold and he tried to kill John B. today! He never wanted to take care of us, he only want to keep us under his roof so we could lead him to the gold!" I yelled back at her. 

"I don't believe you! It just can't be true" Sarah said as she started to cry.

"Sarah why would we lie? We have nothing to gain from lying and you dad has everything to gain from it! If you really think that John B. would lie about what happened on that boat today then you don't know him and you certainly don't love him" I said to her I turned to leave. 

"You know I do love him, y/n" Sarah said to me as I walked through her yard toward the wall I climbed over minutes ago. 

"Oh really? Well where has that gotten him? Ward killed our dad Sarah! He killed him and then he went after John B. today! He's a greedy lying murderer Sarah!"

"Will you stop! He's still my dad and if he's such a terrible person then I would stop yelling 10 yards away from his office!' Sarah said back to me and paused not having realized how close we actually were to her house still. Ward could have heard every word I just said but I don't even think I care at this point. He's already taken so much from me and I won't let him take away my brother. 

"If you really love my brother then I suggest you and your father stay away from him unless you want him to get killed" I say flatly at her as I walk away not giving her time to give me a response. 

Back at the chateau John B. was waiting for me. I made him promise not to follow me to Sarah's, I just couldn't risk him getting caught or making things worse. When I finally get back and hop off my bike I see him sitting on the steps of the porch waiting for me. 

"Are you okay? What happened?" He said urgently as he walked to meet me in front of the house. 

"She's confused. She doesn't believe that her dad could be a murderer." I say and John B. hangs his head and the tears begin to fall. I go to hug him and it all finally sinks in. Until today, we could rationalize that our dad was still out there somewhere but that was all gone now. Our hope was ripped away from us without any time to process what happened. We both just stood there holding each other and crying. We walked inside and I laid onto the pull out couch just trying to process everything. I hear the door open down the hall and see John B. standing in the door way of our dads office. When I follow him into the room he's staring at a photo of dad that I had pinned onto the wall along with some other stuff. He pulls it down and begins crying more and when I go to hug him we both just collapse onto the floor. 

"We could have a service" I say to him through my choked up sniffles. 

"What? When? How?" John B. said looking at me with his eyes filled with tears. 

"Right now" I said and I grabbed his hand and pulled him up. 

We put dads photo on a makeshift little boat that we put together with sticks and some fishing line. John B. set the small boat on fire and then dropped it into the water. We both sat there silently as we watched his photo burn and get taken away with the tide, taking our hope with it. 

We fell asleep on the dock as we laid there talking but when I woke up John B. was gone. I went inside but he was no where to be found and his phone kept going straight to voicemail. I was pacing back and forth in my room when I heard the door swing open.

"John B. don't ever scare me like-" I started to say as I ran out but was met with JJ and Kie walking in. 

"Oh I thought you were John B."

"Well hello to you too Princess" JJ said back to me with a small smile. He then came up to me and gave me a huge hug that lifted me off the ground. 

"You doing okay?" Kie asks as JJ puts me on the ground. 

"No not at all. I don't know where John B. is. If he went over to Sarah's things could get so much worse" I say as the panic rises in me even more. 

"I have to go find him" I say as I walk towards the door but am pulled back by JJ grabbing my hand. 

"You can't just go out there alone now. Ward or worse Rafe will be after you in a heartbeat if they see you" JJ says to me as he looks to Kiara to back him up. 

"Yeah y/n, just stay here. I'm sure John B. is gonna be back any minute" She says but doesn't sound sure at all. It comes out almost like a question.

"Wow Kie as reassuring as that was, I'm gonna go find my brother. You two stay here in case he comes back" I say and before they can object I'm out the door and about to hop on my bike when I see the Twinkie pulling up to the house. 

"John B! Are you kidding me? You just leave without so much as a note to tell me where you're going?" I yell at him through the driver's side window before he can even park the car. He ignores me as he opens the car door and pushes past me saying nothing.

"John B!" I shout at him as he walks past me and he pauses and I then notice how dirty he is and he's slightly shaking. JJ and Kiara are on the porch now watching us in the yard. 

"John B. what happened?" I ask as I soften a little. 

"Its gone" He says with no emotion in his voice. 

"What's gone? What's going on man" JJ asks from the porch. 

"The gold. Ward took it. It's all gone" John B. says and his voice cracks a little as he storms inside past JJ and Kiara and slams the door. 

"Fuck" We all mutter to one another. 

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