Rafe Cameron Part 2

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"What the hell are you doing here, Maggie?" Rafe shouted as we got outside. 

"I knew you were lying to me and- and I was worried you were cheating on me so I followed you! And I'm not sorry I did either, what the hell are you doing here, Rafe?" I say mocking him. 

"Look I don't have a problem okay? I just like to use it every once in a while," He says to me and I laugh in his face. 

"Are you kidding me? How dumb do you think I am? You know my dad uses and yet you wanna try and lie right now? How long, Rafe?" I say as my anger brings tears to my eyes. He just shakes his head and turns away from he. 

"How long, Rafe?" I shout at him even louder and my voice cracks as I begin to fully cry. 

"A few months okay?" He yells back at me and I just want to get away from this place. He'd been hiding this and lying for months and here I was thinking I was doing something wrong. I push passed him and he grabs my arm and pulls me back.

"Rafe, let go of me!" I plead with him as I am pulled toward him. 

"Maggie, its okay, I'm okay," He says trying to convince me that what's happening is okay and I try to push him off but he just holds me tighter.

"Why are you pushing me away?" He says to me and I can hear sadness in his voice. 

"Because I don't recognize you," I say as I cry into his chest feeling so lost as he wraps his arms around me.

"I-I gotta go, Rafe. I can't be here right now," I say to him as he releases me from the hug. 

"Please don't leave okay? I'm sorry alright? I'll figure it out," He says and the tears are welling in his eyes now. 

"I've still gotta go. I just need some space, I'll call you tomorrow. I love you, Rafe" I say to him and then walk out of Barry's front yard and down the street till I reach my car. Once I get in the drivers seat I collapse into a puddle of tears. Rafe knew that my dad used drugs and the toll that it takes on me mentally, he doesn't know much about the physical toll that the drugs and then anger my dad has takes though. My brother and I do our best to avoid him and lay low for the most part but sometimes he just loses it. My brother, whose my best friend, does his best to keep me out of it and protect me but sometimes things are bad. I was always scared to tell Rafe the details because he can be such a hot head, I wouldn't want him to cause problems. I start my car and head towards home, hoping no one would be there so I could avoid an onslaught of questions from my brother about why I've been crying and where I've been. He doesn't know I've been dating Rafe, he would kill me if he knew, Rafe the king of the kooks, and me Pogue Princess as my friend John B. says. 

Rafe and my friends and brother have had so many problems in the past from fist fights to verbal fights. But since Rafe and I connected he's left all of them alone, they don't know why he's been chill, they just joke that he's plotting to burn the Cut down. I pull up to my small run down house and look around to see if JJ's bike is here but its not thank God. I head inside and the place is empty so I go into the fridge and grab a seltzer from the fridge and go into my room. I have a few surfboards propped up against the wall and some pictures hung up around the mirror on my dresser. There's some plants over by the window that are blooming really well, I kind of have a green thumb and really enjoy the vibes they create in my room. It's not much, but it's home. I plug my phone into my speaker and blast some music to drown out my thoughts about Rafe but it doesn't help. The music is so loud I don't hear the soft knocks on my bedroom door, when the door opens I jump, scared I was about to get yelled at by dad for the music being too loud.  Thankfully, it's my brother, JJ, who comes in.

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