Topper's Sister Part 2

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"Go away Rafe" I say numbly as I grab my backpack to start walking home. 

"Come on don't be like that. I'm not gonna tell Topper." Rafe says in an innocent voice. I turn to face him now as he takes another hit from the blunt. 

"Why'd you follow me if you thought I was meeting a guy?" I ask.

"Had to see who you would rather date than me. You want anymore?" He says as he holds the blunt toward me. I silently take it from him and take another hit before I smush it into the squishy sand and then scoop it back up with a styrofoam cup I found and place them both in the trash. I hate to litter on the beach, something Kiara drilled into my head. 

"I'm going home now Rafe" I say as I turn my back but he jumps ahead of me blocking my path.

"I won't tell Topper IF" he says as he emphasizes the "if" causing me to roll my eyes. A pit forms in my stomach instantly and I'm scared for what Rafe may want. 

"If you tell me what my sister has been up to" Shit. I can't risk either thing getting out so I just lie. 

"I don't know what you're talking about Rafe" I say as I try to move past him but he continues stepping in front of me. 

"I know you lied about being with her yesterday. I saw you surfing near the country club while I played golf so I know you weren't shopping with her." Double shit. 

"Why do you care where she was?" I ask as I started to get angry. 

"Normally I wouldn't give a fuck but Topper won't shut up about it and you lied for her. So, its gotta be something good." I wasn't about to throw Sarah under the bus but I also didn't want to be dragged down with her. 

"You want the truth? I don't know where she was okay? She asked me to cover for her so I did! Happy?" I yell at him as I make another attempt to get past him. This time he steps in front and grabs me by both shoulders.

"There's no need to yell okay? Just chill. Are you gonna tell me what's going on with you and smoking?" He asks in a pleasant and almost concerned tone that throws me off a little. I didn't dislike Rafe, he could be nice at times and man was he nice to look at. That doesn't excuse his behavior and the things he does though. 

"I don't need to tell you anything Rafe okay? I do it sometimes when I'm stressed. Can I please go home now?" I say as I grow tired from going back and forth with him. 

"Why are you stressed?" He asks in that same sympathetic tone. 

"Rafe please" I beg again and this time he moves out of my way gesturing his hand forward so that I can go by. 

"Just so you know, I am your friend whether you like it or not, could be more if you didn't act so dumb." I turn to say something about his rude comment but stop as I can see he's close behind me now and he bends forward so that our faces are inches apart. 

"And by the way, I wouldn't have told Topper shit. Your secret is safe with my princess" He whispers in my ear as he goes back the way he came and out of sight. I stand there for a moment dumbfounded by what had just happened. For the first time Rafe had made me feel a flutter of butterflies in my stomach that he never made me feel before. Its just passed eleven when I get back and head upstairs to my room. 

I lay in bed reeling from all of todays events until I finally fall asleep. When I wake up I can tell its early because the sun is shining through my balcony doors which I forgot to pull the curtains across last night. Knowing I won't be able to fall back to sleep I get up and start my day. I go downstairs and see that mom and dad have already left for work. They probably wanted to go in early so they could leave sooner because of Midsummers tonight. I turn the Keurig on and wait for the coffee to fill my mug and when it does I go back up to my room and sit on my balcony watching people start their days. I decide to go surfing for a little to clear my head. My parents aren't huge fans of me surfing cause its seen as a pogue thing but they look passed it since I'm pretty good. By the time I get back its almost lunch time and Topper is sitting at the kitchen counter eating a bowl of cereal. 

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