1- Period 1 Science

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Y/n only had two things on her mind that morning.

How she should part her hair, and how she should introduce herself.

She always dreaded getting up. But that intensified by 100 when her parents got divorced. Just waking up and seeing just one parent was bad at that. But on top of that, today was her first day at Karasuno.

Even though she hated it. She rolled out of bed and started to get ready.

Debating what way she should part her hair she decided to go with the usual middle part . While also imagining what getting bangs would do to her appearance.

'Should I do my make up' She thought as she brushed through h/c hair .

'Ill just do light makeup' As she brushed pink blush on her cheeks. Adding mascara and highlighter.

'I wonder if I'll make friends on my first day. Kinda unrealistic but I can hope.'

Walking herself down stairs her dad greets her.

"Good morning, how'd you sleep?"

"Uh.. I mean I slept okay."

"Thats good to hear.."

Ever since the divorce it's been awkward with her dad .

'Sometimes this whole 'good relationship' act gets exhausting like me and him didn't go a week without talking.'

Quickly grabbing a granola bar she dashed out her front door and started walking.

putting headphones on blasting music, y/n started to stuff the granola in her mouth, thinking no one was walking near her.

Lost in the sound of the music and the rhythm of her feet she bumped in a what she thought was a lamp post.

"God damnit.. stupid lamp posts"

"Watch your step midget"

Startled she looked up with crumbs around her mouth . She saw a tall blonde looking down at her with a cold face .

"Oh shit!" she said aloud  with food in her mouth without realizing and covered her mouth.

Swallowing she looked back up.

"Im so sorry! I didn't mean to."

"Watch where your going next time seriously" He said while scoffing and walking away.

'Damn well what's his problem..asshole.'

Even though it did get her frustrated she tried to focus on the music she was hearing.

Approaching school she immediately felt a knot in her stomach as she saw groups of high schoolers.

' I thought I was early why is everyone here already?'

She got her locker and as she was changing her shoes she started to worry even more about who she would sit with at lunch. Or who would she even talk to in general. All these what if's didn't stop flooding her mind until she was approached by someone.

"You must be y/n"

"Y-es. Who are You"?

"Oh im the vice principle, I just wanted to give you your schedule and show you to your class"

"Oh yeah thanks! I thought I was in trouble for a sec" She said as her hand met the back her head and chuckled.

She made her way to her first period . Science.

'I swear to god if I get a bad partner this will be my 13th reason.'

"Okay so here it is, just wait for the teacher to call you in"

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