2- Club room #4

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Next Day- Day 2

Y/n Woke up to the sound of an OHSHC guitar riff she set as her alarm when she was twelve and was too lazy to change it.

She found that it was easier to get out of bed this morning than most days, she felt excited. She didn't know why but she knew that this was a genuine feeling.

She Brushed her h/c hair and put a few hair clips in. Makeup was the same boring 3 things she did everyday. Nothing was new. However she felt good.

She realized her dad was asleep still. For some reason  she didn't feel like sharing the same awkward conversation everyday. Y/n took advantage of this and hurried up to leave before he woke up.

Grabbing a granola bar before heading out she packed a lunch today so that she would have to have what ever Tsukishima had in is backpack. Not that she thought he would share again. 

'Im going to try to avoid zoning out ever again.' She thought to herself also remembering what happened last time she let that happened. Also mindfully eating the granola bar as well.

She wasn't zoning out. However she found herself looking for a tall blonde. She didn't see him. She tried not to get disappointed. Why would she? It wasn't like she liked him. Thats what she tried to tell herself.

After walking for some time y/n arrived at school. Where Yam's approached y/n.

"HEY!!!" Yam's yelled finally getting her attention and catching up with her.   "Y/n!"

"Oh! Hey Yamaguchi! Is Tsukisima with you?"

"No.. He's with Some of our friends right now."


"Well, he might not consider them friends but their definitely something like that"

'And I thought that Yamaguchi was his only friend. I really need some friends.'

"Wanna start heading to class?"

"Oh right. let's go."

Yam's and y/n made their way to class as they were on their way they ran into no other than Tsukishima. He was with two other guys. A black haired tall one, and A ginger who was on the shorter side. 

"Hinata let's go we're gonna be late!"



The tall black haired boy said as he dragged the ginger by his collar.

'I can't see Tsukishima being friends with these guys I wonder how they met'

All three of them walked into class, y/n didn't have any people to talk to so she just went straight to her seat next to Tsukishima. But it wasn't like he had any friends in that class other than Yamaguchi so she found  that was comforting.

Shortly the teacher came in and started teaching. Y/n made sure she didn't repeat any mistakes she made on her first day. Everything was going well. But she had the urge to glance over her shoulder at times to look at him. Why? She told herself she was just curious. She had no reason to like him. She barely knew him. They were science partners that was it.

"Class, There is project thatI will be assigning you today and is due at the end of this week. Your partners will be the person sitting next to you. You will scored out of 50. I will not accept Late projects either."

Y/n Finally allowed herself to glance over at the boy sitting next her and found he did the same. Exchanging eye contact y/n quickly looked away to break it knowing it would only make her blush.

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