4- Bye bean pole!

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Before Y/n noticed, they had already walked far enough to lose sight of the school.

They were silent at that point. Not In a awkward way. In way that they were both focused on their on own thoughts.

'I should say something'


He looked at her like he didn't want to talk. But she didn't hesitate to try talking to him. 

"So. How long have you been playing?"

For a second they walked in silence. Y/n was waiting on him to respond. It wasn't like he was lost in thought of what he should say. More like he didn't have the energy to respond.

"Why do you care?" He finally broke silence.

'Okay then, he's being an ass hole again.'

"Just curious..." She said with a less interested then tone when she first asked. 

Tsukishima knew she was trying.  Somewhere inside him he wanted to talk too. He just didn't know how to put the same effort in a conversation.

"Since I was 7."

"Oh so you've been playing for a while!"

"Yeah..how long have you been playing?" He asked. 

Y/n looked away from her feet and looked up at him. She was surprised he asked her something. She always thought he didn't care. And maybe he still didn't care. But he asked.

Tsukishima felt her eyes on him but acted like he didn't notice and continued to look forward. 

"Well, I just started. Maybe 4 months, Im not very good though."

"You're right. You suck."

"HEY! Daichi said Im not bad!"

"Yeah. And he was being generous."

"Well, that's why he has you teaching me right?"


"Are you even any good? For all I know you could be 'not bad'. " She said teasing him.

"Im average. Definitely better than you though." he looked at her and smirked.


"Oh yeah I was wondering.." 


"Whats the band called?"



"Its called Orpheus."

"What does that mean?"

He signed before he began to speak.

"Daichi came up with it. It means "Darkness of the night" in greek.  Supposedly it was the name of  an ancient legendary poet and musician ."

"Ohh... Thats actually cool. It fits too. You know for the band?"

"I guess. He also just liked the way it sounded."

About to say something. Y/n found her self at the front of her house.

"Oh this is actually my house." She said walking away before he could say something.

Approaching her front door before she went in she finally noticed she left him standing there without saying goodbye. She thought of what the two boys from earlier called him.

"Bye Bean Pole!" She hollered at him before she went inside.

Expecting to see him with an offended face. She was surprised at his soft smile and chuckle.

"Bye Midget!" He hollered back. 

She was happy it was dark. Or else he would see her smile and flushed cheeks when he said that. As She walked inside her house, thoughts started racing. The band. The club. That tall blonde. She couldn't stop them. She didn't want to either. She simply just walked herself to her room.



Orpheus (Tsukishima x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now