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People who is a multi shipper this goes out for you.

It was a day before Invincible United Vs Barka, a headghog like figure is standing near the field holding a clip board with a paper on it.

On the other hand Barka was to busy practicing to notice him. One of them past to Riano who shoot and well.. He didn't exactly nailed it.

Instead it hit the goal post and heading straight to the figure who didn't seem to notice the ball heading right at him.

"Oh oh."

"Oh sh!t."



The person fall backward the stand. "Oww..." The stranger was holding his nose to stop the blood from purring out. Riano hold out the tissue for him an ask if he was ok.

He take the tissue after he stand up. "Yeah its fine, my name is Shakes by the way." Shakes says still holding the tissue to his nose.

"I'm Riano, sorry about that." Riano said scratching his neck nervously. He felt guilty afterward for what he did.

"Oh don't worry about it it was just a little blood." Shakes says with his regular warm smile.

Riano just look at Shakes like he some sort of angel or something. Because of this Shakes become a bit concern.

"Umm.. Riano? You ok?" Shakes ask. His nose has already stop bleeding a long time a go .
"Ah no your smile just look so angelic its almost blind my eyes." He said . he chuckled when Shakes ears goes bright red.

Not for long until his coach smack him behind his head. 

"I'm sorry about my player." His coach says, while Riano is still clutching his head wich in fact is still hurting. Shakes continue his conversation with their coach while still eyeing Riano to make sure he's ok.

Suddenly Riano got a not-so-great idea. "Hey Shakes can I have your phone number?". His teammates look at him like 'are you serious?' Surprisingly Shakes pulled out a paper with his phone number on it "here, don't let Skarra know I give it to you."

His teammates push him out of the way to get a closer look at his phone number. They're also a bit curious "Okay team meeting's over get back to practice." He turn to Shakes "It's nice to meet you." He went back to collect his team.

"Hey, give it back! Well Shakes I text you later." Riano said waving bye at him. Not before kissing Shakes hand if course.

Time skip to after practice and at Invincible United break room.

Shakes was just minding his own business until his phone come to a notification. At first he thought it was just some random add , so he continue watching the movie the team are watching.

They're all are watching
Captain America: Civil war
(It was a great show). Shakes phone is blowing up with massage, Domma notice and decided to swoop the phone when Shakes didn't notice.

And that time was when Spider man got hit with the shield.

Without No one noticing he swoop the phone and ask to go to the bathroom. He receive a quick glance and they all went back to watching the movie. Exempt Shakes who just nod and went back to watching.

Once he got out he look around and began looking for the massage. The only problem is that he has password 'd@mmit'
'What his password could be'

His birthday? No.

His age? No.

What else?!

I.U? Yes!

He began looking through his phone the look screen is the picture of the team and the desktop background was a .....lizard?. It has a collar with the word 'Patch' on it.

'Hmm interesting- wait! Focus soldier. Remember your mission' he began looking through Shakes massage and searching for the top one.

Internal flame

Bipolar captain


'Wow, what a nickname he gave us' Domma thought as he rolled his eyes. And then he came across a new notification ' found you'.

Hi shakes its me Riano
You there?
Are you okay?
Are you busy?

Tf you want?

Ok you're not Shakes

Yeah no sh!t Sherlock what
Do you want Riano?

Wow no need to act like that amigo , and can't I just text my
Mi amore for a while?

I have no idea what you just said but you can call him that.
So im gonna delete your contact.
Have horrible forever.


Once Domma go offline he immediately went to deleted Riano contact. Once he got back he put the phone on the table and continue watching the movie.

Shakes phone got a notification again. And shakes is the one who pick it up.

Hey mi amore!

Mi amore
What's up with the nickname now?

Meh will angel suit you better?


Shakes is a blushing mess sure he try to hide it in his hoddie, but that doesn't mean Skarra didn't caught him.



"What are you blushing about?"

This cause the team to look at him suspiciously. Other than Domma who just want to see the drama thats going to happen, that man just sit in silence and observe.

"Oh, its nothin- hey!" He doesn't get to Finnish his sentence because Skarra just snatch his phone. "Why is Riano has your phone number?"

And boom thats for the new chapter sorry if its Short. :<

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