made for eachother ( lenrin )

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Rin sighs , hearing Kaito's millionth excuse of " he has practice with Meiko" . She wants to leave . She wants to just abandon the shitty life she has , but she can't . Kaito is all she has . Without him , she knows she's nothing . The knowledge hurts , yet the truth always does . She pushes herself up from the bed , most days she doesn't move from it , simply waiting for Kaito to return from "pratice" . She can't find the motivation to get up usually , and yet today , something urged her to . And so she did. She yanked a brush through her tangled , knotty hair , changing out of the dark blue hoodie she's been in for months. Is that really how long it's been ? She couldn't believe it , yet the dates matched up . That just made it more painful . Everything was painful . A small giggle escaped her lips , shaking her head she ties her hair up , pulling some trainers on and leaving the house for the first time in a while.

She paused to breathe in the fresh air , suprised at how everything seemed so bright , yet her mood was the opposite . " sod's law " she grumbled slightly . Without much thought , she turned and began walking toward the park her and Kaito first met in , he'd stepped in to shield her from Yuuma's not so nice behaviour . Rin smiles fondly at the memories in the park , important ones like the day he told her he loves her , or small things like when they got ice cream on a hot day and he cried because he dropped it. Those memories were what she clung to .

The blonde knew that Kaito and Meiko were made for eachother , master confirmed it himself. But he'd also said Rin was made for someone , and yet she'd never met them , and begun to doubt their existence . Wandering through the park gave her time to think , trying to ignore that she could see those two on an obvious date . It was in doing so that she walked right into someone , getting knocked down .

" oh , I'm sorry " the boys voice spoke , quite gently to her " here , let me help you up" he takes her hands , pulling her up to her feet with a smile. All Rin can do is stare at the 02 on his arm . Maybe , this was the person she was told about ? Kaito and Meiko had 00 to match , so it made sense. She's snapped out of her thoughts when he speaks again , introducing himself " I'm Kagamine Len , and you are?"

" uh uhm I'm Rin " she fumbled over her words , trying to ignore the feeling of her face heating up as he smiled at her " nice to meet you Rin , beautiful name for a beautiful person." All she could do was mumble her thanks.

From there the two hung out more and more , Rin slowly forgetting about Kaito . That was , until an abrupt phone call snaps her out of a energized horror session with Len , at first she ignores it but the calls were persistent . " where are you ?!" He was pissed , it was clear in his voice , the way she jumped slightly confused Len , who wrapped an arm around her with a smile. " I'm out. "

Two simple words made Kaito pause " with who?" Rin took a deep breath . She'd realised in the past months that,kaito was turning out to be like Yuuma , an outcome she had never wanted . " someone who actually aprecciates me. " that didn't exactly make him happy. " I appreciate you!"

The bitter giggle that left Rin's lips concerned Len , why was she so secretive about this Kaito person ? All he knew was that he was ignoring rin for a girl called meiko . He wanted to respect her privacy , but he was starting to worry too much to stay in the dark on him . And so , he takes the phone from Rin , holding her to his chest with one arm and the other holding the phone to his ear " I don't know who the fuck you are but piss off. Rin's found someone who actually loves her , and won't leave her for some other bitch . Stop calling her for fucks sake . " he turned her phone off , smiling .

" you . . . You what!?" Rin was in high doubt of what she had heard , and yet he told her again ,to her face this time . " I love you Rin . " she searched his face for any indication he was lying , yet there was none. " I . . . I love you too. "

Whilst Rin was finally happy , kaito wasn't . His world had fallen apart in moments. He'd never realised just how much he loved lying down to have Rin cuddle up to him and sleepily ask how his day was , how much he loved her . And now , it's too late. She's gone , never to return to him. 

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