lethal dependency (kairin)

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Again. And again . And again. Each and every day Kaito was coming home later and later. Rin originally tried to trust him , but after seeing his social media posts where he was just a bit too close to Meiko to "just be friends" she was certain. Kaito had left her , only returning to keep her as a second option. The truth hurt. Doesn't help Len kept using it to mock her . To mock how imperfect she was. And he was right. Meiko had everything Kaito could want , whereas Rin was just , Rin. Flat chested , with the appearance and voice of a seven year old to match. Of course Kaito would leave Rin for Meiko. The thoughts got worse and worse , and she mulled on them as she prepared herself . Without Kaito to give her reason to continue , she lost motivation . Lost hope. Lost any will to live . Ah , but those are trivial thoughts. Grabbing the bottle she sits , smiling knowing soon she'll be happy again.

Kaito returned home , having finally remembered Rin's existence , though he couldn't care less for her. Opening the front door , he calls out , expecting her to come running and cling to him like she usually does.

. . .

But she didn't. Silence lay in the house , and so he went searching the house for her. The last place he checked was the kitchen. There , body slumped onto the table was Rin . He would've presumed she was asleep , but the lack of movement from her body , and the blood slipping from her mouth suggested different. She was gone. The small clutched bottle in her hand tells him she brought it upon herself. Even though he knew he was to blame , Kaito couldn't care . Why should he? He didn't love her anymore.

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