Chapter 3-Sneaking Out P.1

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Song: Ocean Eyes

By: Billie Eilish

Nicolette and I go up to my room and I immediately burst into tears

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Nicolette and I go up to my room and I immediately burst into tears. Nikki closes the door shut and moves me to my bed and sits me down, holding me close in her arms.

"Shh it's okay Issy, Domenico's not coming back he still has 5 more years in prison". She says comforting me.

After I finally calm down Nikki quickly goes to her car to fetch her 'overnight bag' as she calls it and Enzo comes into my room.

"Hey cuzzie, look I'm so damn sorry I didn't mean to make you mad and that you had to mention that scumbag".

"It's okay let's just not mention him, I don't really wanna reminisce about the past".

"Yeah of who is he?"

"Why? Wanna go do an investigation? A background check? Criminal records?" I say listing on my fingers.

"No, I just want to know who he is".

"Fine, you want to know?" I say and he nods and I let out a sigh.

"It's Luca".

"Wait, which Luca? Luca Lewis? Luca Jones? Luca Leblanc? Luca Li Fonti? Luca Unger? Luca Mitchel? Luca Rodger? Luca Collins?" He says and starts thinking again while I start laughing.

"First of all, I didn't know there were so many Luca's and second it's Luca Li Fonti". I say and his eyes go wide.

"My best friend Luca? The Luca I hang out with every day at school?" He questions and I nod.

"Yeah, your friend, he's sweet". Just when I say that my door bursts open.

"Sup stronzi, la cagna è tornata!" Nikki says and stops dead in her tracks when she spots Lorenzo.

[Sup fuckers the bitch is back!]

"What's up? Got your bag?"I say and she drops her bag on my bed.

"Rimane a dormire?" Lorenzo asks and we both nod.

[She's staying over?]

"Fantastico, sarà divertente". He says and jumps on my bed stomach first with his palms on his face turning to Nikki.

[Cool this is going to be fun]

"Fai il backup del ragazzino, a lei non piacciono i bambini". I say and Nikki snickers.

[Back up little boy she's not into children]

"Mhmm quindi vuoi un uomo che vedo?" He asks flirtatiously and Nikki nods.

[Mhmm so you want a man I see?]

"Le piacciono i ragazzi 'maturi'". I say

[She's into 'mature' guys]

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