Chapter 18

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    Sweat rolled down Alex's face, she stood in front of Rey on a cliff's edge, they were sparring, Alex held Rey's staff yet again as she knocked Rey down with it. "You're getting sloppy." Alex said, reaching her hand out for Rey to take, Rey took it and pulled Alex down. Alex used the momentum to roll over the ground and spin herself around. Both her and Rey eyed the staff that was sitting on the ground between them. Both women reached their hands out, the staff flew up into the air and into Rey's hands as a lightsaber activated in Alex's. Alex smirked, twirling the lightsaber in her hands. She turned a switch on the side and swung the saber towards the rock, the lightsaber bounced off the rock. Alex deactivated the saber, tossing it to Rey who dropped her staff to catch the saber. She looked at Alex with confusion in her eyes. Alex relaxed her arms at her sides. "Try to hit me." Alex said, closing her eyes, "I turned down the saber's strength, it won't hurt." Rey nodded, slightly unsure, but took a fighting stance. Alex stood relaxed, her hands by her sides. Rey took a step forward and swung at her. Alex turned and smoothly dodged it, Rey turned and made a series of complicated swings at Alex, who dodged them. Spotting a break in Alex's defense, Rey struck quickly, hitting Alex hard enough to make her stumble back. She quickly rolled backwards with the momentum and rolled to her feet. She bounced lightly on her feet, joy lighting her eyes. "You're getting better." She encouraged Rey, who swung at Alex with new determination. The dance between them continued on. Unknown to them, Luke watched from the stairway. Rey rushed towards Alex, who closed her eyes, Rey's eyes widened as she moved forward but there was no time to turn back. As Rey was just about to hit Alex, she jumped, flipping over Rey to land behind her. Alex didn't stick the landing and fell on her back, she coughed as the air was pushed out of her lungs. Rey quickly came over, deactivating the lightsaber.
    "Are you okay?" She asked, concerned, and surprised as to how much distance Alex had gotten.
    "I may have overestimated my jump." Alex said, sitting up.
    "You think?" Rey said, smirking. A stone clattered behind them, and both women turned, Skywalker was headed away from them, back up the cliff. Rey held out her hand, pulling Alex up.
    "Mind if I sit in on this lesson?" Alex questioned as she stood.
    "Sure. They're not very exciting though." Rey said, they followed Luke up the cliff, and into the Jedi Temple.
    The sun was setting as we walked into the temple, "Lesson two." Luke's voice echoed around the high ceilings, "Now that they're extinct, the Jedi are romanticized, deified. But if you strip away the myth and look at their deeds," Luke pauses sitting down beside the heightened symbol, a balance between light and dark, "the legacy of the Jedi is failure. Hypocrisy, hubris." Rey stepped forwards.
    "That's not true." She said, I looked around the temple as I listened to their banter.
    "At the height of their powers, they allowed Darth Sidious to rise, create the Empire, and wipe them out. It was a Jedi Master who was responsible for the training and creation of Darth Vader."
    "And a Jedi who saved him. Yes, the most hated man in the galaxy. But you saw there was conflict inside him." Rey sat beside Luke, I ran my hand along the carvings in the walls, letting the images of the past flit through my mind. "You believed that he wasn't gone. That he could be turned."
    "And I became a legend. For many years, there was balance and then I saw," Luke paused, "Ben. My nephew with that mighty Skywalker blood. And in my hubris, I thought I could train him, I could pass on my strengths." I went over a small alcove in the wall, looking at the weathering of the stone, while listening intently to Luke's story, "Hand was Han about it, but... Leia. Trusted me with her son. I took him, and a dozen students, and began a training temple." I watched as Luke stood up, walking around, "By the time I realized I was no match for the darkness rising in him, it was too late."
    "What happened?" Rey questioned softly. Luke took a breath before telling the story of Ben Solo's fall to the dark side.
    "I went to confront him, and he turned on me. He used the Force and collapsed the hut on top of me. He must have thought I was dead. When I came to, the temple was burning. He had vanished with a handful of my students. And slaughtered the rest." I closed my eyes, remembering the scene that played in my head in Luke's hut. Luke wasn't telling Rey the full truth, but it was his story to tell. "Leia blamed Snoke, but it was me. I failed. Because I was Luke Skywalker. Jedi Master. A legend."
    "We make mistakes so that we can learn from them." I finally spoke up, Luke turned towards me, "There is no hope if we hide from it. To fix the galaxy, you must start with yourself first."
    "The galaxy may need a legend." Rey said, she shook her head lightly, "I need someone to show me my place in all this." She pushed herself up and off the rock, "And you didn't fail Kylo. Kylo failed you. I won't." I smiled at the look of sheer determination in her eyes. I walked up to Rey resting my hand on her shoulder as we looked at Luke.
    "Always pass on what you have learned." I said, Luke's gaze flashed towards me, "Do or do not. There is no try." I turned and walked out of the temple with Rey close behind.
    "Luke." Leia's voice echoed through the Force, waking me from sleep. I pushed the blankets off of myself, I glanced at the other bed that Rey slept on, she was shivering. I grabbed the blanket off my bed and draped it over her. Her shivering stopped and I walked silently out of the hut. The small stones in the path crunched softly under my boots as I traveled up the steps towards the temple, spotting a silhouette standing on the outcropping in the temple. Luke turned around, spotting me by the opening of the temple.
    "Your Force conversation is very loud." I commented, Luke moved to the middle of the chamber and sat down, motioning for me to sit next to him.
"It woke you?" He asked, I gave a small nod.
    "Master Yoda said my sensitivity to the Force is from my parents." Luke looked at me, recognition in his eyes.
    "Master Yoda?" He questioned, I nodded.
    "He and Ahsoka have been teaching me, though Force ghosts of course." Luke humed in acknowledgement.
"Your parents? Who were they?"
"I don't know." I looked down at my hands, "Master Yoda is trying to find out."
"It must be someone strong in the Force if you heard that Force conversation. I wonder what your midichlorian count is."
"Midichlorian?" I questioned, Luke waved a hand.
"Midichlorian counts can tell you how strong you are in the Force." I nodded, standing up, it was time for me to go back. As I took a step towards the door a cold feeling rushed over me.
"Let the past die." the voice echoed through my head, making me stumble back.
"Alex?" I heard Luke call, but it was far away, like I was underwater.
"Kill it if you have to." The voice said, sharper, it sent sharp bolts of pain though my head. I clutched my head.
"Stop." I whispered, the voice was relentless.
"That's the only way to become what you were meant to be." Darkness clawed at my mind sending agony flaring though my body.
"Stop it!" I shouted, I felt myself hit the floor as the world went dark.
"Alex?" A voice called me back to consciousness, "Alex?" My eyes flickered open, Luke's worried face hovered above me. I took a sharp breath as Luke leaned back, helping me sit up. I was leaning back against the small stone pond.
"What-" my voice broke, I swallowed and tried again, "What happened?" I asked, I was tired, my eyelids were heavy. I blinked as a hand snapped in front of my face. I looked towards Luke, his face was one of concern.
"Stay awake." He said, moving to stand up he helped me up, together we moved down to the village. Next thing I knew, Luke was sitting me down on a bench by a fire in one of the huts. He handed me a bowl of soup, motioning for me to drink it. After I had downed about half of it, I was more energized. I looked up as Luke watched me carefully. "You want to tell me what happened? Your Force signature darkened, it almost was gone." I set the bowl down beside me, wrapping the blanket I didn't know I had closer to myself.
"These... voices, I keep hearing them. Well, it's one voice really. I don't know what it is. Who, it is."
"Have you told Master Yoda?" Luke asked, I shook my head.
"No, I didn't think- I don't know." I said, why didn't I tell him? Luke sat back, stroking his beard with a hand. A cold feeling arose in my stomach, I looked towards Luke who had the same look on his face.
"You feel it too?" He questioned, I nodded. We both stood, rushing out of the hut and through the village. "Rey?" Luke called out. He looked towards the only hut with light coming out of it. He moved aside the blanket that served as a door. Rey sat touching hands with Kylo Ren. "Stop!" He yelled, reaching out a hand the stones were blown out. Ren looked towards us, his gaze flitted briefly to me before focusing on Skywalker. Then Kylo Ren was gone. Rey stood up as the campfire sizzled out. Thunder crashed above us, rain soaked through Rey's already wet clothing.
"Is it true? Did you try to murder him?" Rey shouted over the roaring of the rain.
"Leave this island now!" Luke shouted back, turning he stormed away, brushing past me.
"Stop." Rey said, following him, "Stop!" Rey ran forwards, grabbing her staff and kicking him in the back, she pointed her staff at him.
"Rey, wait!" I said, she ignored me.
"Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?" Luke pushed himself off the ground reaching out a hand he used the Force to grab a metal lightning rod from a hut. Rey struck out at him and he blocked her blows easily, he leaned back as the staff missed him he tapped her on the back. The pair moved backwards Luke blocking Rey's increasingly angry blows.
"Stop!" I shouted following them, the rain drowned out my words. Luke knocked Rey's staff out of her hands, she used the Force and grabbed the lightsaber out of her bag igniting it, Luke fell backwards catching himself with the Force before he fell onto the steps
"Tell me the truth." Rey said, deactivating the lightsaber.
"I saw darkness." Luke said, "I'd sensed it building in him. I'd seen it in moments during his training. But then I looked inside, and it was beyond what I ever imagined."
"He killed them Rey." Rey looked towards me, brows furrowed in confusion, "I heard thier screams, he killed all of them. Any that wouldn't join him."
"What do you mean Alex?" Rey questioned, her voice cracking, "What aren't you telling me?"
"Psychometry." I explained quietly, understanding flashed though Rey's eyes before she looked back towards Luke who looked towards me for a moment before continuing to tell Rey the truth.
"Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death, and the end of everything I love because of what he will become." Luke spoke faster and faster, "And for the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it." Luke then looked down, pausing. "It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame, and with consequence. And the last thing I saw were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him."
"You failed him by thinking his choice was made. It wasn't." Rey said, "There's still conflict in him. If he were turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide. This could be how we win." I stepped forwards.
"Rey, no. He's too far." Rey looked towards me.
"You changed." She stated bluntly, I shook my head.
"You haven't seen what he's done. Who he's killed for nothing."
"When we touched hands, I saw his future. As solid as I'm seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn." Rey said, looking towards Luke.
"Rey-" I said, Rey whirled on me.
"You knew." I shook my head, hurt by the betrayal and anger in her eyes.
"No, no. It was his story to tell. I couldn't tell you."
"You lied to me."
"Rey," I reached out to her but she turned away, "Rey please. I couldn't tell you!"
"I trusted you."
"Don't do this." I said, Rey turned and held out the lightsaber to Luke. Luke turned his face away.
"He's our last hope." She said, turning as she spoke towards me. "If you want to come, pack your things quickly. I'm not waiting." She picked up her staff and walked away, back towards the Falcon. I looked towards Luke, who gave me a sad smile.
"I'll tell the Caretakers you've gone. You know where to find me." He said. I gave a short nod. Turning away Luke called out again. "Wait." I faced him again, his eyes were closed in concentration as he reached out a hand. A cylindrical object wrapped in cloth flew into his hand. He held it out to me, I took it carefully, unwrapping the object I gave a quiet gasp. Inside was a lightsaber. It was mainly copper colored with silver highlights. "Leia would have wanted you to have this." I shook my head.
"I can't take this." I said, reaching out to hand it back to Luke, he gave me a look.
"You need one to protect yourself."
"I have a blaster!" I protested. Luke laughed.
"You'll be needing more than that." My gaze flickered to a blue ghost that stood behind Luke, Master Yoda, he nodded and put a finger to his mouth, stay quiet, the unspoken message. I sighed and attached the lightsaber to my belt.
"Anything else?" I asked, Luke shook his head with a twinkle in his eye.
"No, go with Rey. She'll need you." I nodded.
"Thank you." I paused before adding, "Master Skywalker." I walked away back to the Falcon, missing the ghost of a smile that fleeted across Master Skywalker's face. I quickly walked to my hut, gathering my bag and things quickly. I jogged down to the Falcon, seeing the engine lights turn on I picked up my pace. Making it into the Falcon as last checks were running, I walked into the cockpit after doing a quick check on a loose panel by the hyperdrive, looking at the tangled wiring underneath I deemed it as a later fix. "Really, not waiting huh?" I said, Rey ignored me. I sighed and looked towards Chewie, "We're good to go, there's some loose wiring by the hyperdrive that will need to be looked at. Other than that-" a loud screech interrupted me. "Shavit. Aquila." I cursed, seeing the sea creature pacing around the Falcon. "Hold on." I told Chewie, running out of the cockpit as he roared about her messing up the ship. "I know!" I yelled back before running outside. Aquila was trying to get at me from under the ship, but her large frame did not fit. She let out a wail, and raised a claw to try to tear at the ship. I quickly moved out from under the canopy. "No, no, Aquila!" I said, she turned towards me, pressing her face into my chest. "It's okay. It's okay." I murmured, she blinked slowly, sending sadness and loneliness across our bond. "I'm going to come back. I promise." I say, Aquila looks at me, I run a hand over her scales, careful of the sharp spines, "I have to go, Luke will look after you, make sure you're not lonely, okay?" Aquila let out a sad chatter, agreeing with me, but still sad I was leaving. "I'll try to be back as soon as possible, okay?" Aquila nodded, and turned, giving me one last look before diving back into the ocean. I turn and head back into the Falcon. I walk back into the cockpit, my clothes even more soaked than before. "You're good to take off." I told Chewie. He chuffed in response. I moved to the back as Rey and Chewie took off, feeling the familiar pull of launching into hyperspace. I closed the door to the crew's quarters, quickly changing into a dry set of clothes. I walked back out as Rey and Chewie where talking by the escape pods. I interrupted their conversation, "I'm going with you." Rey looked towards me, "You can be mad at me all you want. But I am not leaving you to go there alone." Rey's eyes showed conflict in them, "I won't take no for an answer." Rey gave a short nod.
"Do you have everything you need?" She asked, I nodded, Leia's lightsaber was attached to my belt. Rey walked over to the escape pod, looking down into it, it was going to be a tight fit. "As soon as we launch, you jump back out of range. Stay there until you get my signal for where to rendezvous." She says, flicking a switch on the control panel. Chewie growls a response as Rey climbs in the escape pod. "If you see Finn before I do, tell him..." Chewie roars back a response, Rey looks towards him. "Yeah, perfect. Tell him that." I climbed into the pod next to her, pod hatch closed and moved down.
"Like sardines in a can." I muttered, Rey gave a small laugh, at least she didn't seem to be too mad with me. I grew aware of how close we were and tried not to think about it. I could feel my face heat up as the pod dropped from the Falcon. It spun for a minute before the thrusters engaged. Moving us towards what could be our impending doom. 

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