Chapter 9

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"Alex." Maz's voice calls to me, "Open your eyes." I slowly do as Maz asks, I see her face blurred in front of me, then it comes into focus. I sit up suddenly.
"Rey." I say, looking around, "Where is she?" Maz puts a hand on my shoulder.
"You must find her. She will need your help."
"What happened? I touched Rey and I saw things, her life through her eyes. What was that?" I ask frantically, scrambling to my feet.
"I am sorry child, that you must bear this burden." Maz says, "But now is not the time. The First Order, they're coming. When I looked into your eyes I saw a warrior. Someone who is willing to stand against the evil. I-"
"Maz?" Han calls, cutting off Max unknowingly as he is walking down the stairs with Finn close behind.
"The First Order. They're here." Finn says, Maz nods. And quickly moves down the hall, Han, Finn, Chewie and I quickly follow.
"I've had this for ages." Maz says, going into the room with the lightsaber, she opens the box and pulls out the saber. "Kept it locked away." She extends her arm, holding out the lightsaber.
"Where'd you get that?" Han says, he looks as though he's seen a ghost.
"A good question. For another time." She says, extending the saber towards me, "Take it! Find your friend!" She says, I take the saber, and scenes fly through my head, a man and a droid, Kylo Ren, a snowy forest. Rey. I sharply inhale as I open my eyes, Finn looks at me curiously.
"What was-."
"No time." I say as the ground rumbles, Chewie roars as pieces of the ceiling fall.
"Those beasts." Maz says, anger in her voice, "They're here."
We run down the hallway, racing up the stairs, and out the door, I flinch as TIE fighters make a screaming pass over our heads, lasers firing, bombs dropping.
"Move!" I yell at Finn and Han, pushing them out of the way as the statue of Maz comes crashing to the ground, rubble rains down around us, as we run out of the court yard, I see a huge ship with long angled wings. I recognize it. It's Kylo Ren's. Blaster fire rains around us, I quickly duck behind some rocks. "Stormtroopers!" I shout, trying to look over the barrier, and quickly ducking down as blaster fire narrowly misses me. Han stands up and quickly eliminates three stormtroopers.
"Come on, Chewie!" He shouts, half running over rubble, Chewie gives a groan in response.
"Rey and BB-8! They need you!" Maz says to Finn and I, "Now! Go!"
"I need a weapon!" Finn says, I toss him a blaster from a fallen trooper. I look towards Maz and she nods, I raise the saber, and press the button, a brilliant blue blade ignites with whoosh.
"Feel the Force around you Alex." Maz says, "Help them." I close my eyes, and a calm washes over me.
"Surrounds you, the Force does." A voice whispers in my ear.
"These are your first steps." Another says. I open my eyes, a fire burning bright, a stormtrooper stands shooting at me, I deflect the shot back at him, my body moving of its own accord, turn! I deflect another shot. Left! Right! Blaster fire rains down around me, not one hit landing. I rush forward and stab a trooper.
"Traitor!" A distorted voice yells, I spin to see a stormtrooper, he drops his blaster and shield, grabbing an electric baton-like device from his belt, and stands against a lightsaber. He spins it around, locking it. I raise the lightsaber. The stormtrooper rushes at me with a cry, he brings the baton down with hard blows. I deflect them but the adrenaline is fading, leaving me exhausted. I feebly block the troopers attacks, as I try to make an attack of my own. The trooper blocks it and hits me with the baton, sending me flying as an electric pulse goes through my body, I groan and look as the stormtrooper is about to make the final blow, a blaster shot hits him and sends him backwards, I roll over and turn, looking at the person who just saved my life. Finn. I nod as he, Chewie, and Han walk over, Han pulls me up.
"You okay kid?" He asks.
"Yeah." I say, then I look at Finn, "Thanks." He nods.
"Don't move." The voice of a stormtrooper sounds behind us. I turn and look as a squad surrounds us, blasters raised. "TK-338, we have targets in custody." The trooper says into his coms. Chewie growls as his weapon is taken, as well as Han and Finns blasters and the lightsaber. "Put your hands on your head." The trooper says, we do as we're told. We weren't getting out of this one.
"Not you." Another trooper says, coming up to me, grabbing my arms and putting cuffs on. I give a glare at the trooper.
"Nice to see you too 12." 12 was short for LS-1212. He was a not so friendly trooper in the First Order, always looking to make my life hell.
"Quiet." 12 says, as he, and another trooper lead me away, I give a glance back at Finn and the others. The troopers lead me towards a transport, I hear the distinct sound of X-wings, they fly over us. I spring into action as the troopers are distracted, I jump on 12 and spin him, throwing him to the ground. The other trooper took a step back, and got hit by X-wing fire. I spun to look over at 12, trying to find the key to the cuffs.
"AX-7897." A cold voice drones, I freeze, knowing the voice. Captain Phasma. I turn as I look at the woman in shining silver armor, stormtroopers surround me again as Phasma raises her blaster, and fires, the shot hits me, I fall, paralyzed to the ground, my eyes drifting closed as blackness engulfs me.

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