Chapter 2

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Erik and Kai walk towards a ship that had just arrived back in the hanger, having been informed that there was an assignment change, they stop at the ship's ramp, the door opens, a squad of stormtroopers comes out, two of them escorting a prisoner, the stormtroopers hand off the prisoner to Kai and Erik. "Take him to interrogation." The trooper says, Kai and Erik nod and walk off with the prisoner. After putting him in a cell they walk back to the barrack room, taking off their helmets.
"I dread whatever that guy has to go though." Kai says, Erik nods in agreement. They sit there for a minute, thinking. Suddenly Kai stands up. "Erik, we have to help him. It's the right thing to do. I can't stand by as more innocent people are killed."
"Let's go." Erik says.
"Look I know it sounds bad bu-" Kai looks at Erik, "did you just agree with me to escape and take a prisoner from the First Order?"
"Yes." Erik said, putting his hand on Kais shoulder. "I'm with you Kai."
"Okay." Kai says, "Let's do this."
"Ren wants the prisoner." The stormtrooper says, the guard nods, undoing the restraints. The stormtrooper takes the prisoner, walking him down the hall, Kai and Erik follow them, the trooper turns suddenly into an alcove, shoving the man in front of him, Kai and Erik quickly stop and stand in front of a doorway. They can just barley make out the troopers and prisoners' conversation.
"Listen carefully." The trooper says in a rushed voice, "If you do exactly as I say, I can get you out of here."
"What?" The prisoner asks, confused. Kai and Erik hear the hiss of a helmet being taken off and the drop of a blaster.
"This is a rescue. I'm helping you escape." The trooper says, "Can you fly a TIE fighter?"
"You're with the Resistance?"
"What? No, no, no. I'm breaking you out. Can you fly a TIE fighter?"
"I can fly anything." There's a pause before the prisoner speaks again. "Why? Why are you helping me?"
"Because it's the right thing to do." Kai and Erik look at each other, they nod, and follow behind the stormtrooper and the prisoner, they walk up behind them, one trooper on either side.
"Don't jump." Erik says to the stormtrooper, of course, he jumps. "Really?" Erik mutters. Kai shoots him a glare from beneath his helmet.
"Where here to help." Kai says, walking beside the prisoner. The stormtrooper nods.
"Okay." He says, he leads the way to the hanger. "Okay. Stay calm, stay calm." He says.
"I am calm." Kai, Erik, and the prisoner say in unison.
"I'm talking to myself." The stormtrooper says, the prisoner gives a worried glance back. They walk farther into the hanger.
"Take the squad TIE," Kai tells Erik, "it fits more people." He explains when the prisoner gives a questioning glance.
"Not yet." Erik says, as a squad of officers pass them, "Okay, go. On your left." He says, the stormtrooper pulls the prisoner towards a door leading to the TIEs, Kai and Erik follow. The four of them drop into the TIE, the prisoner taking the pilot seat, Kai taking the co-pilot's seat, Erik and the stormtrooper taking the gunner seats.
"I've always wanted to fly one of these things." The prisoner says, taking off his jacket, "Can you shoot?" He asks Erik and the stormtrooper.
"Blasters, I can." The stormtrooper says, Erik rolls his eyes, taking off his helmet.
"Okay, same principle. Use the toggle on the left to switch between missiles, cannons and mag pulses. Use the sight on the right to aim. Triggers to fire." The prisoner says, flipping switches.
"This is very complicated." The trooper says, as Kai primes the ion engines.
"What are you doing?!" The prisoner asks.
"Priming the ion engines," Kai responds, not even stopping what he was doing. "If we don't we're not going anywhere, new TIE model."
"Are we getting out of this hanger anytime soon?" Erik yells from the back.
"Working on it!" Kai calls as the engines fire up, the prisoner pushes the controls forward, the TIE rushes forward but is pulled back by a cable.
"I can fix this." The prisoner says, flipping switches, he tries to go. Forward again but with no luck. He continues flipping random switches as stormtroopers flood the hanger firing at the TIE, Erik shoots at the troopers.
"Help!" He shouts to the stormtrooper, who then fumbles with the controls before sending a barrage of fire at the stormtroopers, "Aim for the other TIEs!" Erik says, the stormtrooper follows the order and shoots the docked TIEs. Erik blows the command center into a ball of flames, while the prisoner is still flipping switches.
"That one." Kai says pointing. The prisoner finally listens and flips the switch.
"Got it." He says, Kai sighs as they rocket out of the hanger, the prisoner gives a cry of excitement, "This thing really moves!" He exclaims. Flying the TIE back towards the star destroyer. "We gotta take out as many of these cannons as we can or we're not going to get very far."
"Alright." The stormtrooper says.
"I'm gonna get us in position. Just stay sharp." The prisoner says, flying though the cannons, "Up ahead! Up ahead! You see it? I got us dead center. It's a clean shot." He says, a cannon straight in front of the TIE.
"Okay, got it." The stormtrooper says, Erik flipping on the targeting systems.
"Flip that." He tells the trooper. "I've got left you get right."
"Okay." The TIE shot towards the cannons, the stormtrooper and Erik shooting at the cannons, both blew up into fiery balls.
"Yeah!" The trooper and Erik shouted.
"Yes!" Kai and the prisoner, exclaimed. The prisoner reached over for a high-five letting go of the controls, Kai gave him the high-five, the TIE jerked unsteadily.
"Hands on the controls!" Kai said.
"Fly the ship. Fly the ship." The prisoner said to himself, grabbing the controls back and stealing the TIE
"Did you see that? Did you see that? The trooper yells.
"I saw it!" The prisoner says. Kai and Erik stay silent, this wasn't their first time flying TIEs. They zigzagged through the star destroyer, getting out into open space. "Hey what's your name?" He called out.
"FN-2187." The stormtrooper replied.
"F... What?"
"That's the only name they ever gave me."
"Well, I ain't using it. F-N, huh? Finn. I'm gonna call you Finn. Is that alright?"
"Finn. Yeah. Finn, I like that. I like that.
"I'm Poe. Poe Dameron. How about you two?" Poe asks Kai and Erik.
"I'm Kai, he's Erik. We gave each other names, KI-1385, EK-3964."
"Good to meet you." Poe says,
"Good to meet you too." Kai says.
"What's coming towards you! My right. your left." Poe says, turning the TIE in an evasive pattern. "You see it?"
"Hold on." Finn says.
"I see him!" Erik says, he and Finn firing at the missles the ventral cannons had fired. Erik took out the one that they had seen.
"Nice shot!" Poe exclaimed, turning the TIE towards Jakku.
"Where are we going?" Finn asked.
"We're going back to Jakku. That's where." Poe says.
"No, no, no! We can't go back to Jakku!" Finn says, "We need to get out of this system!"
"I gotta get my droid before the First Order does." Poe says.
"Erik and I have a friend on Jakku. They'll help us." Kai said, directing Poe to the land site.
"What, a droid and a friend?" Finn asks.
"That's right." Kai responds.
"He's a BB unit, orange and white. One of a kind." Poe says.
"Alex will help us, she's a spy for the First Order, she has the info we need." Kai adds.
"I don't care what color he is, or what information she has! No droid or person can be that important!"
"This one is, pal!" Poe says, pointing at a monitor for Kai to fix.
"We gotta get as far away from the First Order as we can. We go back to Jakku, we die." Finn says.
"That droid has a map that leads straight to Luke Skywalker." Poe says, Kai fixes the montier, revealing a missile coming towards them, they hadn't noticed the beeping.
"Oh, you gotta be kidding me! I-" Finn was cut off as the ventral cannon's missile hit the TIEs wing sending it crashing towards the planet.

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