Chapter 1

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    "AX-7897. Report." The cold voice drones, a sliver helmet shines against the hard light of the First Order star destroyer.
    "No rebels, they were gone before we got there. No trace of them ma'am."
    "Well then, we'll just have to draw them out. Dismissed." AX-7897 walked down the halls of the ship, stopping at the barracks. A black gloved hand raised and entered in a code. The door opened with a hiss. AX-7897 walked into the barracks room, taking off the white stormtrooper helmet, revealing a woman's face. Long brown hair, and green eyes. Two other stormtroopers walked in then, also taking off their helmets.
    "Hey Alex." One of them greeted, he had short blond hair and hazel eyes.
    "Kai." She greeted, stepping over to her bunk, she started to take off her armor, each white piece coming off with practiced movements. She looked up to find Kai or KI-1385 according to the First Order, talking to the other stormtrooper, EK-3964, Erik. "What are you boys talking about?"
    "Hux is sending my squad on a mission." Erik said.
    "And?" Alex asked.
    "To Quital."
    "Oh." Alex said, she went over to Erik and hugged him. "You will come back. You hear me?"
    "Yes Ma'am." Erik saluted, he and Kai laughed, Alex joining in. The three of them had been best of friends, and comrades, forever, not that the First Order knew though. They kept it secret, fairly easy to do when they where in the same squad as a brotherhood formed naturally, but once Alex was moved to a different squad, they found it harder to talk, now only taking in their barracks. Alex quickly grew serious again.
    "When do you leave?" She said.
    "In the morning." Erik said.
    "First squad out." Kai added. They became quiet, and stood at attention as Commander Nami walked in.
    "At ease soldiers." He said looking at his data pad, "AX-7497. You have a mission. meet with General Hux in-" he looked at the data pad again, "30 minutes. Be there." He finished, walking briskly out of the room. Kai and Erik looked at Alex.
    "General Hux, huh?" Erik said, Kai looked at me worriedly. "It was nice knowing you!" Erik said trying to lighten the mood, Kai swatted his arm.
    "Erik!" Kai said.
    "Sorry!" Erik said sheepishly. Alex sighed.
    "Enough. It will be fine, probably a mission to find some rebels that Hux wants to send some troopers to do his dirty work." She said, giving a small smile. "And here I was thinking I would get a good night's sleep." She pulled each Kai and Erik into a quick hug before putting her armor back on, and grabbed her helmet. "See ya later boys." She gave a salute which Erik and Kai returned.
    "Stay safe, soldier." Erik said as AX-7497 walked out of the room.
    A few minutes later I was at the bridge, walking up to General Hux, "Sir." Hux quickly spun around his pasty face looking pale in contrast to his bright red hair.
    "AX-7497." He questions, I nod. "Good," he says stiffly, "follow me." He turns on his heel and walks out of the bridge, I quickly follow, silent. A couple of turns later we arrive at a door, it looks like all the other doors, but this one is different. Kylo Ren's quarters. Hux walks in without even knocking, a feat that would get most people killed, I heasntly follow him. Inside stands Kylo Ren, looking out a window and into space where Tie-fighters are working on battle formations. I watched as Hux cleared his throat, "Ren." Kylo Ren turned around, his black helmet shining in the light.
    "General Hux." He said, his mask making his voice sound robotic, and menacing.
    "This is AX-7467," hearing my name I stood at attention, "She is suitable for the mission." Ren looked at me, I could feel his cold gaze though my helmet, I shivered, even though my armor covered it.
    "At ease." Ren said, I relaxed, slightly. Not comfortable in the presence of such high ranking people, and especially one that could kill me with a flick of his hand. "Do you know what you are doing here, AX-7497?"
    "No sir."
    "General Hux and Captain Phasma have been instructed to find their best soldier, it chose you it seems."
    "Sir, with all due respect, why not choose a different soldier? I may be the highest scoring in my class but not by far as good as some of the other stormtroopers."
    "This mission requires a... special expertise."
    "Sir?" I asked, letting a bit of confusion show in my voice, Ren looked to Hux for explanation.
    "You are being sent to Jakku. You are going undercover to find a BB unit droid, destroy the droid and any rebels that might be accompanying it."
    "AX-7497," Kylo Ren said, "the droid has a map in it, retrieve the map." Hux turned to look at Ren with a look of discontempt on his face.
"Careful Ren, do not let your personal interests get in the way." Hux said, Ren turned to look at him.
"How capable are your soldiers General Hux?"
"I'll not have you questioning the capability of my soldiers." Hux said, obviously angry.
"Then one solider, the best that you have to offer, should be able to retrieve the map easily."
"Of course." Hux said, cooling his anger. He turned to me.
"Retrieve the map from the droid, you leave in 5 minutes."
"Yes sir."
"Dismissed." I nod and walk out.
I go to my room and find a set of clothing on my bed, it's a light sand color tunic, and grey pants. I quickly change, I look in the wall, the reflection of myself shining back, I don't look like First Order, perfect. I walk to hangar bay 4 where Hux is waiting. "You will be using this TIE-fighter." He says, "Get in, find the map, get out. Understood?"
"Yes sir." I say, standing tall.
"Good." Hux walks away, leaving me to get in the TIE, I flip the controls, the Tie coming to life beneath my hands, I disengage the fuel line and speed out of the hanger.

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