Chapter 12

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    I crouch behind a column, as stormtroopers passed my position. I was in the oscillator, having removed my stormtrooper outfit. I felt something, something dark. It clouded my mind as I sink down the column. Fight it you must. A voice whispers to me.
    The dark side clouds her mind. Another voice says.
    Strong in the Force she is, Master Windu. Lead her to the light side we must. The voices fell silent as my mind clears, a warmth filling it.
    "Ben!" Someone yells, it was Han. I stand up to see Kylo Ren standing on the bridge crossing the chasm into the planet.
    "Han Solo." Ren says, his voice cold, dark. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time." I see Han walking forward to Ren. I get out of my hiding spot, walking forward, I turn as I hear a door open, light is cast on the two men standing on the bridge. Rey and Finn stand on the top level. We are all watching, waiting to see what would unfold.
    "Take off that mask. You don't need it." Han says.
    "What do you think you'll see if I do?" Ren asks.
    "The face of my son." Han says with determination. Everyone was silent as they took in the news. Silently, Ren reaches up and takes off the helmet. Black hair, and a pale face greets his father's eyes.
    "Your son is gone." Ren says, "He was weak and foolish like his father." His voice echoes inside the oscillator, "So I destroyed him."
    "That's what Snoke wants you to believe." Han says, slowly he walks forward, as if to help a cornered animal. "But it's not true. My son is alive."
    "No." Ren says, almost as if he is trying to convince himself of the fact. "The Supreme Leader is wise."
    "Snoke is using you for your power." Han says. Trying to tell his son the error of his ways, "When he gets what he wants he'll crush you. You know it's true." Han says.
    "It's too late."
    "No, it's not." Han says shaking his head, "Leave here with me. Come home. We miss you." Han still loves his son, no matter what he did, Han believed there was good in him. They stand in silence, until Ren finally speaks.
    "I'm being torn apart." He says, his voice breaking, "I want to be free of this pain. I know what I have to do but I don't know if I have the strength to do it. Will you help me?"
    "Yes, anything." Han says quickly, stepping forward. Ren looks down at the helmet in his hand, he drops it onto the walkway. The sound echoing, I can't see what is happening, the room darkens, the star is almost gone. We do not have much time left. A lightsaber activates with a hiss. A fiery red blade goes through Han. Chewie howls in pain and anguish.
    "No!" Rey screams. I see Han reach up and put his hand on Ren's cheek. A pain rips through me as I drop to the ground, it tears at me.
    "NO!" I scream out sadness and pain coloring my voice, as stormtroopers are pushed back away from me. I feel the anger, the sadness running through me. Power surges through me, columns around me groan and crumple. I hear Chewie roar and fire his crossbow.
Alex stop! Voices yell in my head, I stumble back, clutching my head in pain, it was too much. And then a voice, soft, but it broke through the others.
Focus, Alex. A soft blue breeze sweeps through me, it calms the fires that raged inside. Calm yourself. The fire rages against the breeze.
How can I be calm!? Han was just killed by his own son! I rage, the fire burning brighter, it needed to be let out.
They need you. The voice said, images flickered through my head, the X-Wings where in a losing battle, the weapon was almost fully charged. A white light started to replace the fire inside me, a calm feeling came with it. That's it. The voice encourages me, then more images of a TIE fighter crashing to the sands of Jakku, I see Kai and Erik's lifeless bodies. No, no. I tell myself, they are alive.
No, a voice whispers, you killed them. You. A darkness comes forward, the blue breeze turns into a gust of wind as it battles against the dark cloud.
Fight it, Alex, fight it! The voice shouts, I shrink back, did I do it? Did I kill them? I open my eyes as I look at my shaking hands.
Yes. The dark voice hisses.
No! The other shouts, Alex liste- the voice is cut off as I hear an explosion, flames lick my skin as a force pushes me back. I don't feel any of it though. I trip over something, I look to see what it is and a stormtrooper looks back at me, a lifeless blue eye stares at me from a shattered helmet. I get to my feet, tears running down my face, and run towards the door. My only thought is Get out. Run. I race through the halls, shooting stormtroopers that get in my way, I get outside, ruins surround me, blaster fire sounds as stormtroopers spot me, an ion laser hits near me and I go flying, my vision blackening, there's a ringing in my ears as I stumble to my feet. I activated my com, maybe... maybe Erik was there. I had to try, "Erik, are you there?" I croak out.
"Yeah. What do you need?" Erik responds, unaware of what was going down on the ground. Relief flooded through me as I gave a small smile. I knew I wouldn't make it back, but Erik and Kai were okay. They were okay. That was enough.
"Tell Kai I'm sorry." I knew Kai would be devastated, but Erik would be there for him. They would get over it.
"What? Why?!" Erik says, concern evident in his voice.
"I might not-" I break off coughing, blood turning the white snow red, "I might not make it back this time."
"Alex no. Come on! What was that promise for?"
"To make-" I take a shuddering breath, tears gathering in my eyes.
"To always make it back. We always made it back. That was our promise. Don't go breaking it on me now." Erik said, I scream as a blaster shot hits my leg and fall to the ground.
"Alex?! Alex?!" Erik shouts into the coms, I turn and shoot at the stormtrooper.
"I'm here." I manage to get out, my voice breaking. I try to get up and fall back to the ground. I fire at the approaching stormtroopers. I push myself to my feet again, ignoring the pain. I stumble to a rock, almost there. Almost. I fall.
"Alex, activate your tracker." Erik says, I'm tired, so tired. "Alex, come on! Please!" Erik shouts, I hear ion lasers in the background. I look at my wrist where the com sits, I reach a shaking hand and press the button, it blinks. Once. Twice. Then nothing. I see the oscillator explode, a ball of flame going into the air, as the ground shakes. I drag myself behind the rock, clutching my blaster, I close my eyes. Rey's face comes to my mind, her smile.
"I'm sorry." I whisper, as a squad of troopers raise their blasters, closing in on me I wait for them to fire. But it doesn't come. I open my eyes to see ion lasers hit the ground near the troopers sending them flying. My vision darkens as I see two X-Wings land near me, one black and orange, and another white and red. Two people jump out of the cockpits, running towards me. My eyes close as they get near. The blackness was so inviting. I feel a sharp pinch in my side, and a rush of energy my eyes flutter open and I can barely make out a figure, "Alex, come on. Don't give up yet." I hear Erik say, I give a soft smile.
"You came back." I say,
"Yeah. Of course I did." Erik said, "Kai would kill me if I didn't."
"Yeah. He would." I say, and let my eyes close as I fade from consciousness.
    X-wings fly over Starkiller Base engaged in a furious battle with TIE fighters. "We just lost R-1!" A pilot shouts over the coms.
    "We're overwhelmed. What do we do? It isn't working."
"Black Leader, there's a brand new hold in that oscillator." A pilot announced.
"Looks like our friends got in."
"Red Four, Red Six, cover us." Poe announced.
"I'm on it." Four announced.
"Rodger." Six confirmed.
"Everybody else, hit the target hard. Give it everything you've got." The pilots went down into the atmosphere of Starkiller Base, diving into the trench. Anti-air cannons fired at the X-Wings.
"Poe! We gotta take out those cannons! If we can get the trackers offline the auto targeting system won't know where we are!" Erik said.
"Got it. Red Seven, Red Three. Take out those cannons!" Poe said, Two X-Wings broke off, "I need some help here! I need some help!" Poe said into the coms. Trying to avoid the cannons.
"I'm on it!" A pilot said.
"Watch out!" Another cried out, seeing the ion lasers, the warning was too late.
"I'm hit!" The pilot crashed into the side of the trench. The remaining X-Wings held on, dodging lasers from incoming TIEs and the cannons.
"All teams, I'm going in." Poe announced, "Pull up and cover me."
"Copy that, Black Leader. Good Luck, Poe." A pilot said, all the X-wings pulled up except two. "Erik. I said pull up!" Poe said, seeing the X-Wing behind him.
"I'm not letting you do this alone Poe. Kai would kill me if I did." Erik replied. Poe shrugs, not that Erik could see.
"Yeah. You're right. He would." They flew down the trench, watching each other's tails, they got near the opening in the oscillator.
"You've got a TIE on your six!" Erik said, "I can't get a clean shot!"
"Close your wings!" Poe said,
"What? No! You have a TIE on your six!" Erik said, was Poe mental?
"Just do it! We can get through the opening!" Poe said, closing down the wings of his X-Wing. Erik got what he was trying to do and followed Poe as they just barely squeezed though, the TIE not being so lucky.
"Hit the columns!" Erik said, as the X-Wings came though the fiery hole in the oscillator, Poe did that and they went up in flames, they exited the now flaming oscillator. Erik's com cracked. Alex's voice barely came through.
"Erik, are you there?" She said.
"Yeah. What do you need?" Erik responded, dodging TIE fire.
"Tell Kai I'm sorry."
"What? Why?!" Erik said, he turned the X-Wing around, ready to go get Alex.
"I might not-" she broke out coughing, "I might not make it back this time."
"Alex no. Come on! What was that promise for?" Erik said, looking for where she could be, although at the height he was at, it was useless.
"To make-" a shuddering breath was heard, Erik could tell Alex was about to cry. He and Kai always knew. Always knew how to make her feel better. And now he wasn't there.
"To always make it back. We always made it back. That was our promise. Don't go breaking it on me now." Erik said, a scream was heard from Alex, fear for Alex was the only thing Erik felt, "Alex?! Alex?!" He shouted into the coms, he heard more blaster fire.
"I'm here." She said, her voice broke.
"Alex, activate your tracker." Erik says, trying to think of a way to get to her. "Alex, come on! Please!" His voice broke. He didn't want to lose her. Not again. The com crackled and went silent. The oscillator blew into a fiery ball, the ground shaking. A single light flashed on Eriks control panel. "Poe! I gotta go back. I gotta help her!" Erik said, desperation evident in his voice.
"Who?" Poe asked, turning his X-Wing around.
"Alex. She's down and the coms broken."
"Let's go." Poe was already following Erik.
"No, you need to leave! Go, that oscillator is collapsed, the planet is going to implode!"
"What would Kai say if he knew I let you go alone?" Poe said Erik didn't respond. Instead flew to the ground, firing at a squad of stormtroopers that had their blasters raised to a rock, or someone behind the rock. Erik landed, jumping out of the cockpit before the ladder was down, Poe quickly followed him, as Erik ran towards the young woman leaning against a rock, she looked pale, he kneeled down next to her picking her up into his lap.
"No, no, no." Erik said, frantically checking for a pulse, Poe ran over to the X-Wing, grabbing a stim. He ran back over and handed it to Erik who quickly injected Alex with it, she gave a sharp inhale, as her eyes opened slowly.  "Alex, come on. Don't give up yet." Erik said, holding her close. Alex's lips twitch into a smile.
"You came back." She said, barely audible.
"Yeah. Of course I did." Erik said, "Kai would kill me if I didn't."
"Yeah. He would." Alex said, her eyes closed again as her head lolled back, Erik picked her up quickly.
"Give her to me." Poe said, reaching for Alex's uncoussis body, Erik gripped her tighter, "Erik, your X-Wing can't fit two people. Mine can. She'll be safe. I promise." Erik passed her over and Poe gripped her tightly, running over to his X-Wing he realized how small she was. He quickly climbed into the cockpit of the X-Wing, "Take us up BB!" He said, BB-8 chirped, recognizing Alex. He gave an inquisitive chirp, already bringing them up into the air and flying out of the atmosphere.
"I know buddy. She'll be fine, we just need to get her back to base." Poe said, reassuring the droid, "And fast." He added under his breath. They sped through the last of the battle, the Millennium Falcon pulled up ahead of them. "All teams, I've got eyes on them." Poe said into the coms. The pilots let out cries of delight. They followed the Falcon as Starkiller Base imploded. "Our job's done here. Let's go home." Poe said, flipping switches, as they jumped into hyperspace.
"I need a medic at my X-Wing when I land." Poe said, flying through hyperspace.
"Got it." A rebel said, calling a medical team over, directing them to the landing pad, as Poe and the others dropped out of hyperspace. He quickly landed, and saw the team waiting, he opened the hatch and brought Alex out, the team grabbed her and took her away on a transport.
"Get her in a bacta suit." Poe heard one of them say as they ran off. Erik came running up to Poe.
"Where's Alex?" He questioned.
"Medical teams got her." He said, "They just left." looking around, he spotted Leia and a young woman with three buns hugging, he quickly walked over.
"I need to find her, she split off from Finn and I, she was a stormtrooper, I-" the woman was cut off by Poe.
"General sorry to interrupt," the woman and Leia turned to look at him and Erik. "Are you talking about Alex?" He questioned, Rey nodded, "I just brought her back she's in with a medical team. Rey's eyes widened.
"Where? Show me." She said, stepping forward, "Please." She added in a softer tone.
"Come on." Poe said, leading Erik and Rey to the medical bay. Alex was laying on a cot, a monitor beside her was reading her vitals. She was wearing white clothing, it had two layers and was full of bacta, Poe caught a nurse that was about to leave.
"How is she?" Erik questioned, the nurse looked at her holopad.
"Stable, you brought her back just in time, she wouldn't have made it much longer."
"Is Finn okay?" Rey questioned, she didn't know how he was, the medical team took him, and wouldn't let her see him.
"He is also stable, the damage done to his back means he will be out for longer."
"Thank you." Poe said, and the nurse hurried off, having other patients to attend to. He turned to Rey and Erik, "I need to go talk to the general, will you be okay here on your own?". Erik nodded.
"Yeah. Thanks Poe." Erik said, with a half smile. Poe nodded and hurried off. The base was overflowing with excitement, but the underlying sadness of the many lives lost.
Rey sat by Alex's bed, holding her hand. It had been three days, Alex still hadn't woken up, the doctors said it was her body recovering from the hits it had sustained, but they didn't know when she would wake up, or if she would. Rey couldn't even think about that. So she sat there, waiting, she would talk to her, telling her about how the base was, it was only three days but it felt like years to Rey. "Today was good," Rey started, but broke off as tears filled her eyes, it hadn't been, Alex was still asleep, Finn was being monitored closely, he was also still in a sedative induced sleep. "We need- I need you to wake up Alex... I have to leave to find Luke Skywalker, and I can't-" Rey let out a soft sob, "I can't do it without you. I can't leave you. Not again." Rey let out a sad laugh, "It's funny, I haven't known you for that long, and I... I can't see going without you. I didn't know how much I needed you until you're gone." Tears ran down Rey's face as she closed her eyes, silent sobs shaking her shoulders.
"Don't go givin' up on me that easily, scavenger." A weak voice said, Rey's eyes snapped open, meeting a pair of bright green ones.
"Alex!" She exclaimed, joy flowed through her like a roaring river. She reached over and hugged the former stormtrooper.
"Ouch!" Alex squeaked, Rey quickly let go, guilt and concern rushing through her.
"Sorry, sorry!" She said, her eyes scanning Alex, checking for an injury she may have caused.
"It's okay," Alex said, Rey looked at the floor, shame coloring her cheeks.
"No, I shouldn't have and-" Alex cut her off, gently grabbing her chin and turning her head to face her own.
"Hey." Alex's green eyes looked into Reys, tears filled Rey's eyes again. She looked away, "Why are you crying?" Alex said, her eyes softening. Rey looked at Alex.
"I was so scared. So scared you wouldn't wake up." Rey said, sniffing, she knew she wouldn't be like this but she couldn't help it! So many things had happened.
"Come here." Alex said, patting the bed beside her, moving over so there was more room, hiding her wince from Rey, her pain could be addressed later. Rey cautiously sat down, Alex sighed and pulled Rey down, Rey stiffened as Alex wrapped her arms around her but relaxed and settled her head on Alex's chest. It was nice, Rey thought, Alex was warm and comforting.
"I should be the one comforting you." Rey said, her voice slightly choked up with tears.
"Eh. I've been asleep, you have been the one worrying." Alex said with a half shrug, Rey could feel Alex's chest vibrate when she talked, and unconsciously shifted closer.
"But-" Rey started. Alex shushed her.
"I'm here and I'm safe," Alex said, Rey had fallen silent, Alex looked down to see Rey sound asleep. That was fast. Alex thought, she looked over to her side, where a glass of water was sitting, yes! Alex exclaimed mentally, she was parched. She reached over Rey carefully and grabbed the glass, draining half of it in one gulp. She looked up when she heard someone enter the room, it was a doctor. Alex tried to push herself up straighter but was stopped when Rey gripped her tighter. She gave a soft smile to the doctor, "Sorry." She mouthed, the doctor nodded with a smile, she came over to Alex, looking at her vitals on the screen.
"She hasn't left your side. I'm glad she is sleeping now," the doctor said, "how are you feeling?"
"Sore. My leg hurts." The doctor nodded.
"That is to be expected, the bacta did its job but the blaster wound will need a little more time to heal naturally." Alex nodded, "You'll have some scarring, the cuts on your face, the blaster wound, and your burns mostly." The doctor came over handing Alex a pill, "Take that, it should help with the pain, I'll come back later to look at your wounds." Alex gave a great full smile to the doctor, taking the pill and swallowing it with some water.
"Is there any way to contact my friends?" Alex asked, thinking of Erik and Kai. The doctor nodded.
"I will tell them you're awake."
"Thank you." The doctor left, and Alex sat in silence, watching Rey sleep, she looked so peaceful. Alex could feel her eyes getting heavy again, she wanted to talk with Erik and Kai but sleep was so inviting. She let her eyes close and she was soon asleep. A few minutes later Erik and Kai came in, and they smiled when they saw Rey and Alex asleep, Alex was snoring softly, her mouth half open. Erik looked at Kai with mischief in his eyes.
"Erik no." Kai said, knowing what Erik was going to say.
"Blackmail." Erik said, raising the screen he had he took a photo of Rey and Alex before Kai snatched it out of his hand, "Oh, come on!" Erik whisper shouted, trying to reach for the device, but Kai leaned back, holding it out of his reach. They both froze when they heard the movement of someone, they looked over to see Alex shifting, but staying asleep. Kai took that moment to dart out of the room, Erik saw this and quickly ran after him. "You get your wheeled ass back here!" Erik half shouted, chasing Kai down the hallway. Kai was laughing, and Rebels passing by gave them odd looks, but generally ignored them. Kai took a corner too fast and went sprawling across the floor, Erik came rushing over, Kai was curled in a ball, his back was painfully spasming. Erik pulled Kai into his arms, holding him until the spasms passed. Kai had been badly injured in the TIE crash, a piece of the ship had lodged into his spine, the doctors removed it, but Kai ended up paralyzed from the waist down. His back would spasm randomly, happening mostly when he fell, the doctors said it would get better, and his back could be fixed, but they did not have the time or the resources currently, and Kai wanted to stay and help the Rebels. Kai slowly relaxed from the ball he was curled into, looking up at Erik with a tear stained face.
"Sorry." He whispered.
"What? Why?" Erik said.
"You always have to look after me, I'm a burden."
"No, no, no." Erik said, shaking his head, "Don't you ever think that. You hear me? You are not a burden, and never will be." Erik gently wiped Kai's tears away with his thumb. Kai gave a teary smile.
"Thanks." He said softly, Erik nodded and returned the smile, he picked Kai up gently, and walked over to where his wheelchair was turned on its side. He flipped it back over with his foot and set Kai back in the chair. They looked at each other before heading off together, happy.

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