part 2, is this home?

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(no warnings!)

(reader pov)

i never really had a home. My parents and i moved from alley to alley and cheap hotels to sketchy places my whole life, so i never really knew how to accept this feeling of love.

Vander took me in about a year ago. He is the closest thing ive had to a father for years, he never treated me differently than the others and he treated me like his child. He looks after me, protects me and he trains me. dont get me wrong, im grateful for everything hes done for me.. but a part of me wishes he wouldve left me there. left that small fragile child alone and went the other way.

it wouldve been better that way.


Claggor clapped his hands loudly in aplaud, grabbing me from my daze, as powder made the small bean bag into the hole.

"score!!!" she screamed.

Mylo rolled his eyes in annoyance and Vi slapped him over his head.

"Dont be a dick mylo" said vi.

Mylo huffed, looking over in my direction.

"whats wrong with y/n?" he said quietly.

Vi shook her head, silently saying she wasnt sure before making her way over to me and putting her hand on my shoulder before kneeling in front of me. i flinched as she touched me.

Vi was always gentle with me, she knew my boundries and she understood that we all have bad days. We all have things that haunt us and she knew how much i struggled. So seeing me flinch was something that told her i wasnt doing so great.

"hey y/n." she started looking at me softly, "are you alright?"

my head was down, i know she means well but her gaze bore into me and i was feeling nauseous. refusing to look up and she lightly grabbed my cheek and tilted my head upwards. the frown on her face was enough to almost make the tears welling in my eyes spill. my blood shot eyes looked at her and she looked back at mylo, claggor and powder who were now engrossed in a card game before she grabbed my hand softly before escorting me to another room.

Vi was always serious and she knew by my bloodshot eyes and my lack of energy that i havent been sleeping. all she wanted to do was give me a stern talk about the importance of sleep and if i really needed something that i shouldve asked but she stayed calm and sat with me for a minute. even though were not related, i know Vi sees me as a sibling. Vi is protective and she takes her time with talking and she tries her best to understand.

it was a few minutes before Vi finally spoke.

"why havent you been sleeping y/n?"

i refused to meet her gaze as she just asked me a simple question but i knew if i tried to speak it wouldve just came out in sobs.

"are you having nightmares again?"

i look up at her, the tears that were once in my eyes now streaming down my face.

"i keep having the same one. every night. i just cant sleep vi.."

i sniffled, covering my face as i sobbed. my face was overwhelmingly hot and the feeling of panic took over me. vi wrapped her arms around me tightly and gave me a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"im so sorry y/n.. its okay shhh.." she said softly, rubbing my back as i wept into her shoulder.

i miss my parents.

i miss them comforting me when the world got too scary.

i miss having a real place to call home.

without them here it just feels lonely.

it took me an awfully long time to regain my composure and i thank vi for not giving up on me.

vi hugged me and whispered comforting words until i pulled away from her embrace.

"..thank you vi" i spoke softly,

"anytime y/n." a smile was present on her face, making me smile back before embracing her once more as another grateful gesture for her kindness.

"lets get back out there okay? im sure powder would love to see you." said vi, getting up and grabbing the door and looking back at me.

i got up and wiped my face and fixing my hair and clothes before following vi out into the common room where powder and vander sat together coloring.


okay author note.

i totally feel like vander would sit and color with powder and do arts and crafts with the kiddos. so im definitely adding some soft vander moments in here!


leave some suggestions and have a wonderful day!

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