part 5,, how did i get here?

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(warning; description of violence/murder and blood)

(powder pov)

i have a plan, well... sort of!

y/n and i made it to the place where vander is being kept, and ill use my monkey bomb to save the day! yippee! the only problem is my bombs.. they sort of work like 90% of the time.. well.. 20% of the time! but this time i have the stone, i can do this. it has to work.. for vander. for all of us.

y/n was crouched in front of me, the idea was that i would sit here and wait to detonate the monkey bomb while they go in through the window and make their way to the others.


i turned towards the open window and peered inside, i didn't see anyone so i turned to y/n.

"its clear, please be careful.." i said, hugging y/n tightly.

"i promise, ill be careful." they spoke softly, hugging me back even tighter if that was possible.

i smiled, handing them a small butterfly knife.

"take this, use it if you have to."

y/n smiled and hugged me again before taking the butterfly knife and holstering it in their waistband and tucking their shirt behind it so they can still have easy access.

they crouched around and made it through a door way, out of the way where i couldn't see them anymore. and that's when i heard a spine chilling voice.

???: "Welcome."

their voice was laced with venom, they were... clapping? congratulating someone? but who..

i quickly peered into the window and laid my eyes upon a man, he was tall and had a creepy eye. his hair was slicked back and there was about of dozen people behind him.

oh god.. y/n? i looked around. they were no where to be seen.

???: "Have you heard the rumor? Vander the coward fled town with his children. And they were never seen again."


(y/ns pov)

oh my god, never seen again? shit i have to do something..

i creeped around the corner, i could see the men and women this guy had. they all were glaring daggers at vander, vi, claggor and mylo.

shit shit shit.

suddenly i felt a hand wrap my arms around my back and a hand grab a ball of my hair before yanking me up and holding me above the ground.

"fuck! put me down you dick-"

???: "silco! i found this little one sneaking around."

" let go of me you bitch!" i yelled, thrashing in the mans grip. managing to break one arm free.

???: "and what a fiesty one they are-"

i grabbed my butterfly knife and stabbed as hard as i could backwards into the mans chest. he flung me onto the ground, sputtering and then crashing in front of me. i gasped as the man coughed and struggled before he went limp. i reached forward grabbing the knife out of the mans chest. i wiped the blood off on my shirt and held the knife out in front of me. the man, presumably silco applauded me. i managed to stand despite feeling like my knees were going to buckle at any second.

"bravo little one! but im afraid thats not tolerated here.."

"yeah? well fuck you too then-" a sudden blow to my leg knocked me over. i groaned flipping over and taking a slice at whoever dared trip me but i was caught by the wrist. they snatched my knife away from me and grabbed me harshly by the collar and dragged me towards silco. i tried keeping my composure, not acting scared but if im being honest i was terrified. he grabbed my face turning me towards him. i stared into his eyes.

a god named sin (jinx x reader)Where stories live. Discover now