Chapter 2

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Why are you doing this ? Why don't you love me ? Did I do something wrong...

Kageyama sighed in frustration before throwing his phone on his bed. Since the fight they had yesterday Tobio didn't receive any call or message from Hinata.

He literally didn't care anymore. Maybe Lev is right, he's been thinking about his relationship with Hinata and came to the conclusion that ending it is the right call.

Hinata changed since the harem was formed, he would spend more time with his stupid harem then with him his boyfriend !

And when Kageyama tries to give Hinata the love and affection he deserves, he gets beat up or threatened by his simps. So he decided that letting Hinata go was the best choice.

He grabbed his school bag and went out to school, on the way he bumped into tsukishima who looked angry. "What got you in an angry mood early in the morning ?" asked Kageyama.

Tsukishima huffed "Yamaguchi decided to go to school with Hinata and didn't tell me so I stayed in front of his house for more than an hour !" Kageyama stopped, so Hinata went to school with Yamaguchi and he didn't tell him ?

Tsukishima also stopped and looked at the raven with a sad expression. He knew about the couple's problem and he seriously didn't understand why Kageyama was still with him.

He suspected Hinata of cheating but didn't say anything to Kageyama not wanting to break his heart, Kageyama came back to his mind and continued to walk like nothing but Tsukishima could see the light slowly fading from his eyes.

The two went to class and saw Yamaguchi and Hinata talking. Kageyama passed the two and sat on his desk and looked out the window. The sky was grey and it looked like it would rain at any moment.

Tsukishima did the same and ignored Yamaguchi's call, the teacher finally arrived and class began. The day went slowly and Tsukishima and Kageyama continued to ignore the two, Yamaguchi tried to talk to his friend but the blond wasn't in the mood apparently it wasn't the first time this happened and he just had enough.

Kageyama walked through the halls to go to the bathroom when he heard a strange noise coming from a normally empty class. He slowly opened the door only to see his boyfriend kissing Yamaguchi.

"Hinata we should stop if the others of the harem know about our little...they are going to flip !" Hinata didn't stop and continued to kiss the other neck making him moan.

Kageyama closed the door and stayed there in silence before Tsukishima came from behind and hugged him. "I'm sorry" he whispered, "you knew ?" whispered back Kageyama.

"No but I guessed..." tears rolled down the raven's face, his body began shaking and he couldn't hear or feel anything anymore.

Tsukishima knew that the raven haired boy was having a panic attack and decided to pick him up bridal style and walk him to the infirmary.

Kageyama cried himself to sleep, he might not always say it but he really loved Hinata. This completely broke him, he can support his harem being flirty, blaming him for being the worst boyfriend but not this...this was too much for his heart.

Tsukishima looked at the sleeping king with a sweet and lovesick expression, the truth is that he's been in love with the raven for a long time but never said anything, so when the raven started to date Hinata he was heartbroken.

The rest of the day passed and the two didn't return to class, it was time for practice so Tsukishima woke Kageyama up. "Hey king..." he gently shook him making tobio groan.

"It's time for practice" Kageyama woke up and stared at the ceiling for some time before sighing "let's go" he deadly said before getting up.

Tsukishima also sighed he knew that trouble was coming, Kageyama walked through the halls with a scary expression on his face, scaring the rest of the students who were going home.

Tsukishima walked behind him and glared at everyone who looked at Kageyama, he had every right to be angry.

When they arrived at the gym, Hinata immediately screamed "BAKAYAMA !!! where were you !?" Kageyama only ignored him, shocking everyone.

Suga was the first to react "Kageyama it's rude not to greet someone especially if it's your boyfriend !" He scolded the raven, but Kageyama only rolled his eyes and mumbled Tsukishima stared at the scene with his bag at hand cause he knew that it wasn't gonna end well.

"Kageyama ! be nice !" screamed Daichi, Hinata approached his boyfriend to calm him down but the raven slapped his end away. Silence was all that could be heard in the gym "K-kageyama..." weakly said Hinata.

"Let's break up" another silence was heard as Kageyama looked up with tears in his eyes, "w-what !? no no why !?" desperately screamed Hinata.

"I'm tired of this could you ! I trusted you !" Yamaguchi immediately understood and looked down in shame.

"With Yamaguchi on top of know i can handle a lot of things but not this not now" he finally said before whispering a little goodbye and running away.

Tsukishima looked at his ex-best friend and at Hinata "hope your happy now" with that he ran after Kageyama leaving a crying Hinata who was getting comforted by Suga and a heartbroken Yamaguchi.

things were getting messy...

Hey hope you liked this Chapter, this story isn't gonna be long but don't worry i'm working on other ffs with other ships from different manga/anime.

So stay tuned for more !

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