Chapter 1

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When all is said and done, only one thing remains. Destruction brought, peace sought. It's a continuous loop one can only dream to break free from. Society only ever expects two things from people. To be a hero or a villain. Good or evil. That's all society ever expected from that 80%. 80% of a singular world's population blessed with power for good or evil. Though, can it really be considered a blessing?

In a way, it's a blessing in disguise. A blessing to some and a burden to others. Finding out they hold such power in their small fingertips, it can only really be up to that singular person to decide their future. Whether or not they actually want to do so isn't really an option. Albeit, the part some struggle to come to terms with is their quirk itself.

Is it really suited to save people? Can I truly save a life with this power I hold? Such questions that never truly leave your mind, no matter how hard you try to ignore it. No matter how hard you try to ignore the fact you have to decide your own destiny, you just can't. It's something everyone has to come to terms with.

Even in the dim light, if you could even call it that, of the room you found yourself in, you kept on contemplating everything. The fetters scratching at your bare wrists with the slightest movement you made. The sound of a clock ticking profusely was the only thing ringing loud and true in the room.

You were certain of so much. Yet, there was still one thing that you were uncertain of. When had everything gone to shit?

"You know, if you just complied like the good daughter you should've been, none of this would be so painful for you." A voice spoke. Shattering the silence, minus the clock, in the room.

"As if I'd ever comply with what you want me to do!" You spat.

That was right. Your parents wanted you to do exactly what they wanted. You were genuinely surprised you hadn't managed to work out that your parents were working with them but then again, It really wasn't much of a shock to you when you saw how they treated you. There was no love in those eyes. No caring nature. No smiles to share with you. Nothing. And that was how it always had been. Growing up, you knew. You weren't loved, it was as simple as that.

Since you had been caught off-guard, you had spent every morning, afternoon and night in the basement. No food. No water. No nothing. Just pain and agony until you complied. You would contemplate screaming to your heart's content until someone heard you. But you knew that wouldn't happen. You knew that no one was coming to save you. It's as simple as that.

No hero. No neighbour. Not even a friend. Although, you didn't really have many you could call friends. You grew up home-schooled. Your parents never let you dare to step foot outside the house. You grew to think your house was a safe space. But soon realised it wasn't. As much as you wanted to get a message out for help, no one would come. No matter how hard you would try. Even if you broke free from the fetters, it wasn't as if you would get far.

But something unexpected happened. Crashing and banging could be heard from upstairs. Gaining your curiosity, you peeked out of the slight slot in the door. Not able to see much, you started shouting. Hoping at least someone would catch your attention. After a while, you gave up all hope that someone was coming until the door to the room you were in burst open. You couldn't quite make out who was stood there, but relief washed over you knowing it wasn't your parents.

"Listen kid, you may have absolutely no clue who I am, but I'm here to save you." The voice spoke.

"Save me? Why would you save me?" You spoke, voice barely above a whisper.

"It's not like you can stay here. Stay still." They said.

Once they stepped into the dim light, you could barely make out the subtle features. It was obvious that they were female. As well as wearing some flashy suit which led you to believe she was most likely a pro-hero. She used her quirk, manipulating it until it took the form of a key and undone the chains. She then attempted to place a hand on your shoulder but you instinctively moved so she wouldn't touch you.

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