Chapter 3

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The next day when you awoke felt odd to you. The sun shining through the slight crack between the window and the curtains. Turning your head, you noticed a freshly prepared meal on the table beside the bed alongside a neatly folded pile of clothes that you assumed was for you to put on. All in all, the air around you felt different. You knew it was only a makeshift family for the time being, but it felt like an odd feeling for you.

You wanted to believe there was a slither of hope that love actually really existed between them and you. But then again, you thought they may have been forced to take you in. Since you had nowhere else to go. But those expressions. The constant smiles and faces of worry that either Kohaku or Kazue wore led you to believe they really did have some form of care for you. Even if you weren't their biological daughter.

A knock on the door broke you from your thoughts that you seemed to keep getting lost in these last 24 hours. Getting out of bed, you went over to the door and opened it, noticing Kazue stood there.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?" She asked.

"No." You replied.

"Alright, well, Kohaku has enrolled you into UA. You can decide when you'd actually like to start. They gave an offer of going in this afternoon but we said we'd let you decide. If you do decide to go today, the uniform is just there on the table." Kazue explained.

"I'll go." You reply.

"Are you sure?" She asked to which you just nodded.

She sighed before leaving you to it and allowing you to get ready for the day ahead. You picked up the uniform and noticed there was still some remnants of pain in your arm from last night. Ignoring it, you put on the uniform and went downstairs, not eating the food that was placed in the room.

Once you went downstairs, Kazue couldn't stop gushing about how cute you looked in the UA uniform. You ignored the compliments, saying that it wasn't true. Eventually, she dropped it and offered to drive you there. Reluctantly, you agreed and headed out to the car. Slightly nervous at everyone's reactions to you. The nearer you got to the school, the louder it sounded. Confused, you turned to Kazue who could tell you were curious.

"Well, today is the Sports Festival. Which was why they offered for you to come in today. So you could meet your class as well as getting a feel for what quirks everyone has." Kazue explained.

"Oh ok." You said.

Once you were outside the school, Kazue parked and let you out of the car. Bidding one final goodbye before you headed inside. It was a lot bigger than you had expected. You followed the sound of the crowds and eventually found the arena. You had no clue which class was yours until you heard an announcement.

"And after that, it's the final event. It's a tournament!! From 4 teams, 16 individuals have made it through! In one-on-one combat! We're pitting them against each other." The voice shouted.

"A tournament?" You muttered to yourself.

You kept glancing around, still having no clue who your class was until someone approached you, scaring you slightly.

"O-oh. Eraser Head. Sorry, I didn't hear you approach." You say, turning around.

"That's alright. I wasn't sure you were going to come today. Kono said you might but wasn't sure." Aizawa explained.

"Oh erm that reminds me. Where's my class?" You say, nervously twiddling your fingers.

"Over there." He pointed, and you caught a glimpse of some of the members.

Thanking the hero, you headed over to where Aizawa had pointed and sat down in the bleachers, nowhere near any of the other class members. No one even noticed you sitting down. You glanced down at the battle taking place and saw someone with green hair just stood there. Not moving.

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