Chapter 8

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"I don't buy it." He eventually replies.

"Buy... what?" You asked.

"Your guardians are out. Why not just say your fucking parents are out?" Bakugo asked.

Sighing, you realised then and there you couldn't wiggle your way out of this conversation. You stood there, playing with your hands, trying to hide your nervousness.

"Because they're not my parents. Look, all I ask is you don't tell anyone. Especially Midoriya. I won't hear the end of it if he finds out." You reply with a nervousness to your tone.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Bakugo asked, clearly irritated.

"I said guardians because my parents are scum. Long story short, I got taken in by the number 9 Hero. Hence the letter about internships." You reply.

"Why can't the damn nerd find out?" He asked.

"That's a bit obvious, don't you think?" You tease.

"Look, I don't fucking care what happened to get you here, but I'll beat your fucking ass and become the number 1 hero." He declared.

"Yeah, we'll see about that." You teased, noticing the rain stopped.

He noticed too and left. Leaving you to your own thoughts as he let the door slam closed behind him. You didn't understand his desire to be number 1 so much. Yes, you understood why some people would want to be number 1, but why go to great lengths to tell people you're going to be number 1 and no one can surpass them?

To you, it felt odd. Almost like a declaration that he was the best and you were all left to play catch up. In your case, that was pretty much true. You were never allowed to socialise with kids your age. You barely even knew you had a quirk, let alone what a quirk even was. You were never trained to even use your quirk. You'd just be locked in the basement day in, day out. No light. Little food. Little water. It was funny how one upbringing of a child could be so different to another's.

Shaking the thought, you began mentally and physically preparing yourself for your internship which started tomorrow. To say you were excited was an understatement. You were also curious to see who worked at the agency your adopted... could you even call her a mother? Guardian? Adopted guardian owned. She'd given you little to no information on her agency as she wanted you to be on equal footing with your class and not having that step above everyone else. However, you had a feeling that some of your classmates, mainly two, already knew the people they chose to intern with.

You tried Googling information on Kohaku's agency, but no information came up. Just an article on the Number 9 hero herself.

Very little is known about the Number 9 hero and her agency. From the patrol work we've managed to gain footage of, we can clearly say her agency is one to keep an eye on. Their teamwork could even rival some of the top teams in the Hero League. The only thing that's obvious about her agency is everyone who interns or is even a pro-hero there has some form of elemental quirk. What will her future shape up to be like?

Completely unsatisfied with the limited information you'd just read, you sighed. Plopping down onto the sofa in the living room before your thoughts drifted back to what your internship might be like. You knew very little about pro hero work as the first hero you met was Kohaku. Yet, you still had no clue what hero work consisted of. What Kohaku did as a pro-hero. Your questions soon having the chance to be answered as the front door opened, revealing both Kohaku and Kazue carrying an equal amount of shopping.

"That rain was so bad. I'm glad it's over now." Kazue sighed.

"Oh, hello Y/N." Kohaku said, noticing you on the sofa.

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