Chapter 7

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Once the three of you had finished dinner, you helped clear up before heading off to your room. You were psyching yourself up for tomorrow. Not only would you be introduced to the entire class, minus Midoriya, but they'd also question how'd you even managed to get an offer for a work placement when no one could scout for you.

Sighing, you went to sleep, knowing all that would come were nightmares. And just as you had thought, they came, jolted you awake then pulled you back to sleep again. Before long, it was the morning. You lazily slipped out of bed and got changed into your uniform before having a quick breakfast then heading to class. However, you'd got the timing confused so ended up there 20 minutes earlier than you should've been.

"You're early." Aizawa pointed out.

"I got the time confused.." You said, rubbing the nape of the neck.

"Well, wait out here until the other students come and I'll call you inside." Aizawa said before disappearing.

You had no real choice but to say yes so you hid. Somewhere you wouldn't be seen but somewhere that you could at least see the students approaching the classroom. Once you were sure everyone turned up, you waited outside the vast door labelled "1A" and waited for Aizawa to call you in. You pressed an ear to the door and heard him shushing the students before talking.

"Before we start today's hero informatics class, we have a new student joining our class." Aizawa spoke.

"New student? But surely it's a bit late in the year for that." A student asked.

"Not quite. This was when she decided to join." Aizawa replied.

"She?!" Another student said, seemingly excited.

"Some of you may have already met her but I'll allow her to introduce herself." Aizawa paused. "Come in." He said, giving you your cue to enter.

You opened the large doors and stood at the front of the class in front of all the students. Some were chatting amongst themselves about how cool it was to have a new student, but you could see one was trying to work out your quirk. You then just slipped into the only spare seat at the side of the classroom. Allowing your teacher to continue on with what he was saying before.

"About the hero informatics class... you'll be coming up with hero names." Aizawa spoke causing the class to enter into an uproar.

"But first... concerning the pro draft picks I mentioned the other day... it's based on who the pros think will be ready to join the hero workforce after another two or three years of experience... so you could say that it's a way for them to show interest in your futures. But there's ample time for their interest to wane before you graduate. And any and all offers can be arbitrarily revoked. It happens quite often." Aizawa explains.

"Stupid adults and their whims." Someone grumbled.

"So if we're picked now, that just means there'll be higher hurdles in the years to come!" Someone from the front said.

"Yes. Now, here're the complete draft pick numbers." Aizawa said.

The board showed everyone's offers and you noticed two students at the top. One read Todoroki with 4124 offers and the second was Bakugo with 3457 offers.

"There's typically more of a spread. But our top two stole most of the spotlight." Aizawa explained.

"Gah! They're in a whole other league!" Someone exclaimed.

"These pros have no eye for talent." Someone muttered.

"Didn't they get first and second backwards? Guess they were just scared of the guy who was literally chained to the winners' stand." Someone commented.

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