Christmas Special 2021

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I finally updated, I'll be more active next year, Merry Christmas!

It was already December 24 at night, very close to midnight, with the streets richly decorated for the Christmas festivities... and a certain green-haired vampire was very beaten drinking hot chocolate with his family.

"You wonder how we got to this, right?" Izuku could barely get a word out. "Well, it all started exactly 12 hours ago," he said, looking at his watch.

12 hours before

Our beloved broccoli hybrid vampire just woke up in his coffin at Alucard's house, beside him, Himiko was snoring adorably in her own coffin. Izuku stretched and got up from the coffin lazily, careful not to wake his beloved. He went to the door of the room, but before touching the knob he bent down, the annoyance on his face very noticeable.

As soon as he opened the door, a bayonet passed where his head had been a few moments ago.

"Good morning Anderson," Izuku greeted, "how did you sleep?"

"Okay, lettuce vampire, how did you dodge my knife?"

Izuku was tempted to reply "Fuck you, that's how", but he valued his life and his head, so he opted for a more polite answer.

"Ever since you live here, you've greeted me with a bayonet to my face whenever I leave my room. I had to get used to it if I wanted to live," the young man said without expression. "And I don't buy that shit that it's to train my reflexes."

"If I wanted to kill you," Anderson threw a bayonet grabbing Izuku's pajamas and slammed him against the wall, "I would have already done so."

The priest drew his weapon from the wall and withdrew as Himiko muttered and began to wake up from the noise of the bayonet hitting the wall.

"Who the fuck woke me up!?" Toga yelled in a very bad mood.

"Thank you so much you fucking priest," Izuku whispered, resigning himself to the fact that he would have to make up to his girlfriend for something he hadn't done.

10 hours ago

Izuku and Himiko were now at the U.A., lazily walking through the corridors holding hands, since it was Christmas Eve, there were no classes and that is why they had been at Alucard's house. Both were dressed in a Christmas style, with blue pants and skirt, green sweater (Izuku's said "Jesus wants a hug" with the image of Christ the Redeemer and YOLO, 420 and Swag all over it; and Himiko's had knives with blood), black boots and a blood red Christmas hat. That day there was only going to be a meeting between the different classes; in this case, they would be class A and B, as well as a gift exchange; so now they were heading to an unused classroom.

"It's funny to feel peace and calm when there are no classes or villains wanting to kill us, isn't it, Himiko?" Izuku commented with a small smile.

"Yes, yes, I just want my gift." The girl pouted, which was funny and adorable to her partner, expressing it with a laugh. "Don't laugh! I want that Polystation 6!"

"But were you a good girl?" Izuku asked with a flirtatious smile. "Remember that Santa only gives gifts to good and well-behaved girls." He approached her and gave her a short kiss on the lips. When he finished Himiko sighed.

"Silly." She gave him a light blow to the chest, which would have cracked someone else's ribs, and pouted again.

"That was so cute!" Mina yelled with her eyes closed and holding her cheeks from the doorway. Beside her, a stoic Yui had a slight blush and hid her gaze, but for both vampires she seemed like a stoplight.

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