Chapter 03

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Ella took a second to breathe while worrying over her mother's death in her mind

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Ella took a second to breathe while worrying over her mother's death in her mind. She went out of her mom's chamber to state an announcement in regards of the decorations and food supply bought for this day's event-a birthday celebration. As she told the
present servants the cancellation of the party. She did ignore all her pain to handle things in the estate properly. She went to seek the maids in charge of the food preparations inside the kitchen.

"How can a lad-"A surprised thought came to their minds as they saw the young lady rushing through. It is believe that all children noble of birth was never to enter such place as the kitchen.

"Bring all the fruits, vegetables, and meat home. The party will not proceed anymore. We will prepare for a funeral. Just make something in case a guest came by to visit. " She said.

What makes the command weird was that it was made by a kid. What's even more unusual? The young lady said all those words with plain eyes and voice filled with unrecognized cold demeanor. They were thankful by the thought of Ella letting them get all fruits and vegetables but somehow they were concerned by the changes Ella has been showing since earlier this morning. They were troubled by it out of their sympathy for the child.

The next thing she did was to make sure all the maids assigned for decorating the place was notified that the event will not take place. She also manage to have them take all the ribbons and other embellishment back to the stores and refund the used money.

"Return it all. Get the refund. These should be on the right person's hand. If not, it would be a waste." With every word she mumbled she felt her self picking up courage from her instilled self-pity. And, was hard to do so.

Though she knows that for every used or damage product return, the refunded money will be reduced by three percent due to the law that makes a person pay for the damages that may or have occured to the product during the time period it was on the customer's hands. However, if you have returned it without any scratch, you will be able to get back all your money spent on it.

After all the pretention she have done, she went back to her mom's room to sit beside her dead mom's bed. Ella held her mom's hand, never had the energy to say anything. She's wondering how can she put up a straight face towards the people of the house despite being on the edge right now. The thorn that have her surprised of the heart-shattering incident cause the heart to crushed into pieces. How worse could it be? Losing the only adult figure whose presence brings her courage or the truth of her mom's passing on her birthday? One thing's for sure and that was the lurking negative emotions that resides on her heart. Unsure how long would these feelings last inside of her soul. A child lose her sight of her direction uncertain of what path to take and what to do during these times of longing. She's bearing some thing that was unusual for a kid like her to experience. Death is common for humans but the thought of someone leaving this early wasn't for all to witness in their lives. She stayed beside her mom's cold body wondering what went wrong? The lady was getting her treatments on time and regular check-ups with her physician. All sorts of questions struck Ella's mind into bewilderedness.

A maid conspicuously came through the door pushing a cart with breakfast treats. A bacon crisp fried in low fire frying method, having the fat oils spread through the white porcelain plate. On the other side, the perfectly five-minute cooked fluffy hotcakes poured with farm-sweet honey. The delicious meal has hunger-stimulating smell enough to make someone drool over them, "Milady, you haven't had your breakfast. The hours have passed and still you haven't eaten anything that's why I brought you something. " The maid stated the words out of concern towards Ella.

Sending it to the person who cannot get her life together was not an option. She who minds the incident was not nearly an able child to have her work done. All the silence could only spoil the pleasant food served, leaving it unattended with all her constant frozen expression. She knows in herself that she have heard someone speaking but was exhausted to move. It may seem like she had not heard a single thing but thinking in that way proves how shallow that person is.

She who never wants to be alone but she did wanted to be alone at the same time can be perceived by watching Ella's face. Dry tears all over her facial skin and somehow the bright child has come to know what murkiness is. It feels like all secrets she hid was being said;it was the single hour of the day where she could let her sadness poured out for her mom. The maid left the heiress with the cart in a hurry just in case she wants to eat.

Lucia who have been standing beside the door walk towards Ella. The headmaid kneel down to whisper in Ella's ear,

" You have to be strong milady. " Lucia put an envelope to Ella's lap. It contains a letter written just for the sweet young lady or should say, a child filled with burden. Lucia went back to where she has been standing on.

Ella was stunned by the sudden actions of the headmaid. She took a glance to the envelope. It wasn't sealed nor have any stamp on it. The letter was clearly made just this day. No scratches or stain marks on it from wax.

"A letter? " She gazed on the headmaid questionably. Lucia nodded as she notice Ella looking at her.

She had opened the envelope, and there was a piece of folded paper. On the top of it was a written name of her ' Ella '.

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