Chapter 07

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Another guest have arrived upon the short notice of his arrival

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Another guest have arrived upon the short notice of his arrival. It was no other than Ella's historical teacher, Sir Lance Walter. By his presence, the young Esenwood lady decided to reach out to him on how to be a baron. He thought it was an absurd thing to come out of a child's mouth, yet he understands that her student was just in pain. Him having a strict perception of knowledge and philosophy caused him to utter the following words without having second thoughts.

The message goes like this: "The experience of losing someone you consider your light is like there's a knife that stabs you without intention of stopping. It's similar to when you think you are running out of blood, but here you are breathing normally as you live. "

     Rationality can lose its magic to immorality, which rose from wounds that can never be healed.  

He put on a smile after running his mouth with sensible things. However, it didn't reach the slowly-turning cold child. The eagerness with how strong she tried to convince the son of a marquis to teach her only gets powerful. The young lady doesn't seem to recognize the misleading rejection of the message. Ain't nobody gonna know it easy, the enlightenment will shine upon to those who changed themselves perfectly. Still, Ella has her hands on the guest's arm.

She then claimed, " I'll make it fourfolds. How does that sound? Will you let my offer slip off your hands?" with definitive sarcasm in her words.

" Save your money little lady. " He paused. The world doesn't work with just spending wealth. "You will have nothing in return if you did. " As he utter those words he patted Ella's head and messed with her hair.

" What do I have to do for you to teach me? " she asked desperately.

Lance took a glance to Ella's distress expression. He knew where this was coming from knowing that she's the only child of the Esenwoods. And that this girl just lost her mother to a slow-to-cure disease. His impression of her student was that she's lost in her own thoughts and emotions. Maybe that is why she's trying to find something that could distract her from her bottled up self. He presume that it might because of pressure and trauma but no one really knows how the child felt at this moment. 

He wanted to hear the reason behind the not-so serious request, " Then give me a reason... as to why you want it? " from the mourner.

" I just do... want it. Did my answer satisfy your annoying curiousity? " She shrugged her shoulders apathetically.

It seems someone just lost their patience in the middle of a conversation. 

In the end, the deal was settled with just a handshake. One took pride in the decision with firmness and confidence. And the other, playing with the thoughts of some kid —funny. But just as it says, it all ends with a handshake, and the process of burial is set to start tomorrow morning.

Many of the guests who came went to leave the place as they finished offering their condolences to the families of the dead. The viscount remained beside Ella's seat to accompany his own granddaughter. His guilt over the wasted years of not meeting his daughter was now being repaid by his acknowledgement of Ella, as a member of his family. Still, Ella was now done being sad but determined to do everything to protect her mother's legacy. With hatred in her heart for her nowhere-to-be-found father, she held her own with the teachings of the headmaid. She believes that Lucia was the next person who could stand as a mother figure and was knowledgeable in the fields that her mom was managing. 

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