Chapter 16: Past the Point of No Return

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          Castiel could feel the eyes of the entire audience on him, and it made him uneasy. Everyone was counting on him for different reasons. Dean was counting on him to sing. Meg, Gabriel, and Zachariah were counting on him to be bait. Sam was counting on him to help his brother get out of this alive. He put on a small, almost furtive smile and drew a rose from his back pocket. Castiel casually sniffed the flower before bringing it down to his chest. He stared at the blood-red petals and forced himself to sing.

No thoughts within his head but thoughts of joy.

No dreams within his heart, but dreams of love!

          His hand went up to cup his throat at the last note. He had never sung anything so high before in his life; he was surprised he had been able to even do so without having his voice crack. He heard Kevin re-enter the stage just behind him. Castiel wasn’t supposed to see him in the opera, so he continued to stare at his rose. He ran his fingers along the petals, taking a moment to appreciate how soft and smooth they were.

          He knew that Dean had written the rose in for a reason – Dean always gave him roses. In fact, the entire opera was littered with little hints of what had gone on between the two of them. Castiel was the only one who saw these, of course. The opera was written for him and no one else.

          “Master?” Kevin’s voice sounded behind him.

          Castiel waited for Raphael’s voice to answer him, and, while a voice did answer, it was not Raphael’s.

Passarino, go away, for the trap is set

And waits for his prey!

          For a moment, no one moved. No one spoke. And then, Castiel heard Kevin’s footsteps as he retreated off stage. Castiel’s heart was hammering in his chest; Dean might be able to fool some with his impression of Raphael’s voice, but not him. Even then, Dean’s voice was not as deep as Raphael’s – not as loud. Dean’s was low, but it was soft; smooth; seductive.

          Castiel looked out into the audience, and tried to casually work his gaze up to Box 5. Unfortunately, it was too dark for him to see Meg and what exactly she was doing. Surely she knew that Dean had replaced Raphael? Surely she knew that Dean was on stage with him right now? Then he remembered the guards – the policemen that were there to kill his Angel.

          Dean did not seem frightened though. Castiel could hear him as he walked down the stage – as he approached him. All the fear that Castiel might have felt for Dean was wiped away and replaced with a sudden urge to protect him. He had to somehow keep himself in the way of any possible shot the officers might have. My Angel has protected me, even if I didn’t realize it. He has always protected me. Now, I have to protect him.

          And then, Dean began to sing. Castiel closed his eyes and leaned his head back slightly as he got lost in Dean’s angelic voice.        

You have come here

In pursuit of your deepest urge.

In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent . . .


          Castiel opened his eyes and looked to his right to see Dean standing there. He was wearing the exact same outfit Raphael had been wearing with a black mask that covered both sides of his face. One the final note, Dean raised a finger to his lips, giving Castiel a hungry look.

Castiel and the Phantom of the Opera [Destiel]Where stories live. Discover now