Author's Note

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Hey everyone! So yeah, I apologize for the sudden spam of updates, I just wanted to get all the chapters I have out to you guys. 

I'd like to thank the few of you that have been reading. Like I've said before, I really don't expect a lot of people to read this mostly because it takes two very well . . . odd fandoms and combines them together. I mean, what person would think to combine Supernatural with the Phantom of the Opera?

I'm sure other people have done this, but when I did it, I knew it wouldn't get a lot of attention. So thank you so much for checking it out even if it is a little odd.

And I won't be updating for a while mostly because I have nothing else written; I've started Chapter 12 but that's it.

But yeah, thanks again! It really means a lot to me that see that you're reading!

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